Balance and Control

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[A/N: Here is the long awaited chapter for *ahem* Steven that many of you have been patiently waiting for. As in the previous ⚠️chapter⚠️, I mentioned that I'm not very experienced in writing stuff like this. But, I try hard to make this house a home for y'all, so I tried to improve based on the reactions to Marc's scene. Anyways, enjoy my lovelies! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter is EXTREMELY long, contains brief swearing, ⚠️SMUT⚠️, so please read at your own risk.🌙]
Steaming water poured down back aching back, falling off in a constant puddle of dripping, miniature waterfalls. My hands were firmly stationed on the tiled wall in front of me, keeping me balanced and standing upright.

My once impaired condition had improved since blacking out into Marc's chest, but my head was still dizzy, still spinning from the calamity that the events of the night had forced me to endure.

Marc did as he promised and immediately brought me back to Layla's compound, where she able to perform an emergency stitching of the open injury on the back of my scalp.

She had mentioned that Marc had arrived at the perfect moment, and anytime longer would have led to a more perilous situation for me. I was eternally grateful to Layla, and of course, Marc. Layla also offered additional comfort, explaining that I didn't need a blood transfusion, and that I was extremely lucky.

But I didn't feel lucky.

Once I had woken up after the impromptu minor operation, I poured my tears and apologies out to Layla, explaining that the dress she lent me had been ruined. She was sweet and understanding, calming my worries by saying that she'd rather have to worry about repairing a torn dress than preparing for a funeral.

Now, I was alone.

Anubis had abandoned me after I heard him viciously scream at the sky. After Layla helped tend to my injury, she had assisted me to the room that she had prepared for Marc and I, leaving me to dwell in the shower. As for Marc, he stayed by my side until I had told him that I needed some space to process the evening.

Marc and Layla were most likely examining the aged sheets of constellations that I had stuffed into the dress. I had heard them mentioning that we had to move quickly in order to be a step ahead of Harrow.

Tears streamed down my face as I remembered the hours prior. Being held at gunpoint, being screamed at by the god who inhabited my body, being the target of several attempts to murder, and bearing the weight of what felt like the world.

The fire that had infected my hands had travelled throughout my body, left me constantly on edge and ready combust into flames. This power didn't belong to Anubis, but if I admitted my suspicions about the god it could be, I knew that I'd be in deep shit.

Not to mention the curse that Hathor had mentioned within the aftermath of the council of the Ennead. I still had to search and discover a possible solution, while keeping it hidden from both Marc and Steven.

Every thought was piling on top of each other and I felt like I had lost control of the last pieces of my life.
Wracking sobs possessed me, and I grasped onto the wall keep me upright.

The steam of the water had permeated the entire bathroom, leaving a thin fog dispersed even in the shower. The scorching water was the only thing that could combat the feeling of ignition within me.

I had been sobbing to myself, so consumed in the moment, that I failed to notice someone had entered the bathroom with me.

The stream of water was interrupted by another presence behind me. Comforting arms snaked around my middle, and soft lips planted solid stamps on my wet shoulder.

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