🌙Special Chapter🌙

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[A/N: Seriously, I love all you guys. You don't understand. I have a busy evening, so I hope you enjoy the chapter I uploaded a few hours ago, and now this short chapter dedicated to some of my headcanons for Anubis and (Y/N). If you have more, please comment, I'd love to read them! 🖤]
-(Y/N) loves to watch movies of every genre, but Anubis wants to watch romance/period dramas all the time.

-Anubis' favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice.

-If Marc/Steven tries to kiss (Y/N) during the movie, Anubis will force the bowl of popcorn to explode and spill, creating a mess. He doesn't want to miss any important parts.

-When (Y/N) goes shopping, trying on new outfits, and feeling self-conscious, Anubis will take control and buy it all so (Y/N) doesn't leave with nothing.

-(Y/N) loves animals of all kinds, but Anubis panics when he sees a stray cat approaching on the sidewalk. He purposefully makes (Y/N) use the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street.

-(Y/N) confides in Anubis if there was ever an argument with Steven/Marc and Anubis listens, but rubs his temples in irritation because he already heard the tea from Khonshu.

-Anubis and (Y/N) LOVE to jam out to music together, as they share similar tastes in many genres. Their favorite song to do karaoke for is "Handsomer" by RussxKtlyn.

-Khonshu, Marc/Steven watch in horror as Anubis and (Y/N) kill the karaoke and choreography (Anubis' idea).

-If a stranger approaches (Y/N) anywhere, the bar, the store, Anubis feels slightly protective. If the stranger tries to advance on (Y/N), Anubis wants (Y/N) to send the mortal to the Underworld where he can make them suffer even after death.

-When (Y/N) and Marc/Steven are trying to have *alone* time, Khonshu and Anubis will make sounds and horrendous noises outside of the locked door, laughing maniacally. They will leave upon being threatened with imprisonment in stone.

-When (Y/N) has a nightmare and Steven/Marc are not around, Anubis will tell a story about his time in ancient Egypt and the facts that modern society doesn't know about. He'll even read ancient texts and explain what the glyphs mean to help (Y/N) relax. If he's feeling generous, he'll show visions of his favorite parts of Egypt.

-Anubis and Khonshu hang out whenever (Y/N) and Marc/Steven do. They love to gossip about the gods and spill tea on their avatars.

-(Y/N) and Steven love to cook together. Anubis will be pouting in the corner and correcting their mistakes like Gordon Ramsay, upset because he isn't allowed to use the oven anymore (fire hazard).
[That's all for this one! I'll make another in the future! -K🖤]

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