🌙Intoxicant [Bonus!]🌙

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[A/N: Here is the long awaited chapter that many of you have been requesting! This is a bonus scene/memory, and doesn't have a ton of plot material, except for the fact that Jake does play a major role in this memory, he is everywhere in here, so pay attention. (Keep in mind, Marc is more passionate, and Jake is more sadistic.) Because you all asked so nicely, here you go, my lovelies. -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains swearing and...well, basically, ⚠️SMUT⚠️, so please read at your own discretion.🌙]

[Also, both hands on the phone. 🤨]
"What, you think you're going to just shove my face into the mattress and call it a day, huh?" I questioned Marc, whose hands were on his hips and whose eyes were already undressing me.

"No. I said that you were to test out the pillows, not the mattress." He corrected, continuing to eye my sitting, defiant form on the floor. "Stand up."

I raised an eyebrow, watching his head tilt. He was surprised that I didn't suddenly obey him. "No, Marc. I'm comfortable where I'm at." I returned, crossing my arms in defiance.

He bent his knees, crouching to look me in the eye. "I can guarantee you," His thumb and forefinger grabbed my chin and forced me to make eye contact, "That your face and your knees are going to be bruised as hell if I take you right here."

The intense stare in Marc's face had me slightly panting. His expression was more sadistic, more disastrous, and chaotic. It caused my thighs to clench, and caused me to swallow hard. The alcohol we had ironically was behaving as an aphrodisiac, stimulating our senses, and heightening our needs for each other.

"Stand up. I'm not going to tell you again." He commanded, returning to his authoritative stance above me.

Marc's dominant nature was my weakness, but I wanted to push him further.

Instead of standing, I positioned myself on my knees, eyeing him innocently and fluttering my eyelashes. His waist was directly in front of my face, and I took the opportunity to begin unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, biting my lip as I unwrapped the layers.

He roughly grabbed my wrists before I could interact with his boxers. "You acting like this on purpose? Why, to upset me? To piss me off?" He released one of my hands and harshly gripped my chin. "Because it's fucking working." He growled, his eyes darkening due to my disobedience.

I smirked and adjusted my head slightly, catching one of his fingers that had been holding my face hostage, and letting it slide into my mouth. His thumb slipped in easily, and I kept eye contact as I sucked on it, daring him to make the next move.

Marc's jaw clenched, but he licked his lips and watched me suck on his thumb. He allowed it to rest there before slightly pulling it out and inserting it once more.

I whimpered, fully aware about how my sounds affected Marc. His jaw clenched as I whined again.

Yes, I allowed him to dominate and control me, but little did he know was that I was the one calling every shot, every time.

He removed his thumb, and continuing to maintain eye contact, put his thumb into his own mouth, sucking my saliva from his finger.

My mouth slightly opened at this new and erotic sight and I gulped, feeling a familiar desire settle deep with me.

He removed his thumb and softly used the same hand to carefully grab my throat. Following his lead, I stood up as he supported me, trying to hurry me to stand before him. "Ah...there's my good girl." He cooed in my ear, walking his body against mine and forcing me to tumble onto the bed.

I was already heated and flushed, so I began to hurriedly undress as I sat on the mattress, my legs hanging off the side. "Stop, (Y/N)." Marc simply stated, and I immediately ceased. He spread my knees apart with his own, and his body filled the open space.

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