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[🌙This chapter contains references of violence.🌙]

[A/N: The third episode was amazing! This chapter will contain a lot of background information, but the next chapters will contain material from the episode, so without further ado, the plot thickens! 🖤]

[Remember: Scenes in italics convey the past, NOT the present!]
I was going to kill him.

He was going to make me late. Again.

"Marc!" I shouted after his retreating figure, continuing to run through the busy market place, narrowly avoiding several collisions with innocent bystanders.

He glanced behind him, and upon seeing me so far behind, he threw his head back in laughter. The way the Egyptian sun illuminated his face, highlighted his thick and dark hair, and complimented his caramel skin made me realize that not even the power of Re could compare to the power that Marc had over me.

He dashed behind green and blooming foliage, suddenly disappearing from my view. Once I had caught up to where I had last seen him, I lifted my arms to rest behind my head, my eyes darting to spot his figure.

Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed me from behind and pulled me behind a collection of palms and desert bushes. "I got you." Marc taunted, settling his chin into my shoulder.

"Technically, I was chasing after you, and you caught me, which in turn, makes me win." I replied, turning to face his gleaming smile. Wrapping my arms around him, I beckoned him close for a hug.

My eyes began to water, remembering what was supposed to happen just hours from now. And Marc didn't even know.

"I have something to show you, come on." He whispered before grasping my hand and leading me away from the bustling streets and ecstatic vendors. I saw the approaching temple as we neared it and panic flooded my chest.

"Marc...we can't be here. This is a sacred temple." I pleaded, but he only looked back and smiled at me. He guided me around the building to where an accessible entrance was perfectly carved into the side, allowing access to anyone who dared step foot inside.

I followed him inside and he hurriedly tucked us into the shadowed corner, hidden from any and all peering eyes. His voice was lower, just to avoid any extra and unwanted attention brought on us. "I found my way here yesterday and managed to see some of the writings on the papyrus scrolls. I can't read them...but I think I know what they said."

Doubting he truly understood what the glyphs meant, I raised an eyebrow and expected him to continue.

"There was a drawing of stars, the sun, and the moon. All holy bodies and all having celestial importance." He began to explain, reaching into his garments. He then removed two necklaces and displayed them before my curious gaze.

They were outfitted with crudely crafted pendants of a sun and the moon. While most scholars purposefully painted the sun to be a larger and more important cosmic body, Marc had created them to be of equal size, and of equal importance.

"They're beautiful, Marc." I whispered, reaching out to gently caress the pendants. He beamed with pride and continued his own interpretation of the papyrus glyphs.

"You see, the sun and the moon were in irreparable love, but the gods saw that they were too powerful when they were combined. So, they created the world and everything on it, and placed it in between the sun and the moon." I tried to interrupt, but he held up his band in protest. "Separation by day and night forced the sun and moon apart, but they would continuously see glimpses of the other, and their love only grew stronger."

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now