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[A/N: Hello my lovelies! Here is another chapter, with several more to follow! I'm so excited to be updating these next action-filled chapters, but bear with me as I elongate them out to immerse you in the most complete and fulfilling experience. As always, enjoy! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains slight swearing, sexual insinuation, and minor angst.🌙]
Khonshu peered at me curiously as Marc separated us, his hand reaching back to comfortingly grab mine. I laced my fingers within his grasp and he tugged me against his back, fearing any amount of separation after what we had just experienced.

What him and Steven had experienced.

We had once been separated by death, but as proven to us, and to several curious gods, even death wasn't a good enough threat to prevent us from reaching the other.

Death had been defied, which in turn, alerted several deities to the now settled balance that occurred out of their control.

My eyes watched Khonshu, who was extremely different from the image of Anubis. Khonshu, at least his head, was a completely intact skeleton and although he had no physical eyes, I knew that he was watching my intensely.

In all the years that Marc had been his avatar, I had never once seen Khonshu or his true form. However, I had commanded him on several instances to disappear for an hour...or several...depending on how severe he had affected Marc and I's relationship.

My mind couldn't wrap around the fact that I had commanded the god of the moon more than once.

And he had listened.

Just like the god of the dead had also done.

I shook my head, attempting to reset my thoughts and to not focus on Anubis any longer, but rather Khonshu before me. He wasn't what I had imagined, especially after my studies and accumulation of degrees, even during my special research and interest in Egyptology, even though I was alive when many sacred texts that I admired were being written.

With the crescent golden staff as an aid and display of power, the god of the moon took a step closer to us and inched closer with the curved beak of his skull-like appearance. He craned his neck in confusion, then directed his inquiry towards me.

Where is Anubis?

Khonshu questioned me, but I felt like it was the beginning of an interrogation. There was an inflection in his tone that seemed like muted hostility and grave concern.

He wasn't threatening me, but he was aware that something had occurred between us.

There had been a rift, an undeniable shift in the environment that Khonshu was aware of, as he could no longer sense the god in this realm.

Anubis was present when Khonshu was imprisoned, and now that he was freed, his only friend wasn't waiting for him like he expected.

I started to breathe heavier and trembled behind Marc as I recalled Anubis' and I's last interaction before he had willingly and guiltily obeyed my command to leave to the Underworld.

It seemed that Khonshu could sense that I was an empty vessel, which meant that other gods would be able to easily sense it as well.

I was vacant, untenanted, hollow, a prepared vessel waiting for immediate inhabitation.

Marc's eyebrow raised in confusion and he peered over his shoulder and down to look at me. "Is he not here, (Y/N)?"

There was an alarm camouflaged beneath his concern, knowing that I was completely vulnerable and unprotected, no matter what he would attempt do to prevent any harm from approaching me.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now