A Worthy Candidate

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Out of my slumber, I was stirred to consciousness by sounds of rustling. I slowly sat up, squeezing my eyes to focus on peering in the darkness.

My apartment was completely void of light. It was the only way I could chase sleep.

In my investigation of searching the vicinity before me, I was confident that no intruder was present. I could attribute the rusting to a bird outside my window or perhaps a resident above me.

Until my eyes landed on a moving mass.

I froze, unable to sit up any straighter, my chest burning with fear.

A cloaked figure perused a bookshelf in the far corner directly beside my desk, which held an abundance of scattered papers and haphazard stacks of research.

I could just barely distinguish the outline of the intruder.

From my position on my bed, I knew I was completely at the mercy of whoever was inside my...locked...apartment. My eyes darted to the windows, trying to locate which one had been used to gain access to my home.

No window was open and I was positive that I locked my door before preparing for bed.

I audibly shuddered in fear.

Immediately, figure swiveled towards my cowering form.

I gasped upon seeing what appeared to be two glowing eyes. With stealthy footsteps the masked figure approached me and I scrambled backwards until I made contact with the wall behind me.
I struggled to breathe as I opened my strained eyes, completely paralyzed in my bed. My hair clung to my forehead and neck due to the perspiration I had acquired during the invasive nightmare.

My apartment was somewhat brightened by the rising sun just beyond the closed blinds of the windows.

I released the death grip from my sheets, flexing my sore fingers from holding on so tightly. With trembling hands, I removed the hair from in front of my eyes, my breath still catching.

It felt so real. My nightmares were becoming more frequent, and with them brought paralyzing fear.

Finally having the strength to sit up in bed, I cautiously looked around the apartment, expecting to see glowing eyes emerge from a corner.

But there was none to be seen.

I buried my face in my hands, overcome with emotion. I was drained, mentally exhausted, and physically weak.

How could anyone desire to be with a person who can't perform a task as simple as sleeping?
"Good morning, Miss (L/N)." J.B. greeted me as I approached the security station. He offered a nervous smile, perhaps hoping that I'd forget our uncomfortable first impression the day before.

"Good morning." I responded, professionally greeting him.

He stood from his seated position, disregarding his phone to the desk before him. "Donna mentioned you'd be starting early, so she wanted me to tell you to wait for her by the Egyptian exhibit."

I nodded in understanding. "Great, thank you." With that, I walked the now familiar path to the exhibit. I felt excitement rise within me, knowing that the gift shop also happened to be right there.

As I ventured into main room, I searched the gift shop area for a familiar face. Instead, there was a different employee who was tending to a rush of elementary students.

I wondered where Steven was. Within the next few hours, I'd be getting ready for our dinner.


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