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[A/N: First of all, episode 5 ripped my heart out. I don't know what I'm supposed to do until the next episode. Do you guys recall the chapter I posted previously about the Duat? 🥹👀  Secondly, these next few chapters are going to be a bit different, so please be patient with me as I attempt to follow and include details of the show, while incorporating my original plot. With that being said, buckle up my loves, cause this is going to get rough. As always, enjoy. -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains swearing, sexual insinuations, and depictions of violence.🌙]
My chest trembled in nervous flutters as I glanced at myself in the reflective surface of the rippling water of the river before me. I licked my lips that had dried under the intense rays of the Egyptian sun, and I happened to catch sight of the alabaster fabric being reflected in the water.

The white, simple cotton material of my dress was loosely tangled around my legs as the breeze ruffled the fabric around me.

This was it.

This was all I ever wanted.

My hand protected my eyes from the blinding sun as it began to set in the distance. It was the special time in the evening where the moon had also risen while the sun retired, making this a sacred moment, a most holy union of celestial proportions.

"You're not getting nervous, are you?" A honeyed voice full of comforting baritone notes spoke from behind me.

A soft caress of a single finger trailed over my bare shoulder and down the back of my arm, until a warm hand covered mine and laced our fingers together, creating the most perfect of bonds.

Once I had heard the voice, butterflies were conceived in my nervous stomach, and once he had touched me, they had been set free.

"No, I'm not nervous...are you?" I responded, feeling his thumb comfortingly rub over mine.

He chuckled and kissed my other shoulder, and I could feel his new stubble lightly tickle my skin. "I've never been more sure about anything in my life."

His sweet and pure affection inspired a habitual smile to form on my lips. I released his hold on my fingers and spun slowly to face him.

Comforting brown eyes met my gaze, complete with soft wrinkles of happiness around his long dark eyelashes. His grin was wide and blissful, and his cheeks supported a new growth of a stubbled, hardly noticeable shadow of a beard.

I ran my hand over his cheek, giggling at the foreign spikes that poked at my palm. "What is this, Marc?" I inquired, raising my other hand to now fully encapsulate his face.

He chuckled and placed his larger hands over mine. "Do you like it? I thought about growing it out." He sweetly kissed my palms before letting me continue my exploration of his face.

"I...I don't know." I bit my lip and bravely leaned towards him to which he eagerly rushed forward and immediately closed the space between us.

One of his hands encased my lower back, securing me into his chest, and the other patiently rested on my cheek, tenderly brushing my displaced hair back behind my ear.

His lips were soft, loving, and passionate. Every movement was determined and calculated, and I could feel his chest shudder upon feeling mine breathing against him.

He turned his face, rubbing his nose against mine and I immediately began to laugh and pulled away. "You poked me, Marc." My fingers ran over his full lips, just barely feeling the texture of growing hair under his nose around his chin. "It might have to go. I want to see your face."

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now