Suspicions Confirmed

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[This chapter's a bit long! Enjoy! 🖤]

While trekking to the museum, Steven and I spoke, but nothing related about the previous night. It was small talk and pleasant, comfortable conversations.

I figured that if I ignored the situation entirely, then perhaps it never existed in the first place.

But I knew it happened.

As we entered, a repair man rushed passed us, carrying a box of tools. He paid us no mind, going about his business and moving to the next project. His face was scrunched up and blotchy as if he had been laboring for hours.

Steven and I were forced to stop in our endeavor  as we were prevented to continue by yellow and black strips of tape that were blocking off a portion of the museum.

J.B. was in the process of properly setting up these obviously new precautionary measures. Once he noticed our confused expressions, his eyebrows raised and he shook his head in disbelief.

"Oh hey... It's proper mad in there." J.B. motioned in the direction where the access had been blockaded. "Absolutely mad." He was referring to the hallway that Steven and I were close to dying in last night.

Steven approached J.B., looking to where he had mentioned the commotion had occurred. "What is it? What happened?" He glanced to me with concern and back to J.B., shoving his hands in the pockets of his off-white jacket.

J. B. shrugged, taking a moment longer to glance down the hallway. "They're saying burst pipes, but it don't look like it to me...." He announced skeptically. He adjusted the sign behind him that sported an arrow, offering a detour around the calamity of what was behind the barricade.

Steven stressfully rubbed his cheek. I knew we were thinking the same thing.

I walked towards Steven and stayed close to his side. "Has anyone looked at the security cameras yet to check the footage?" I questioned, also glancing down the corridor where I knew exactly what had happened to demolish both the bathroom and hallway.

J.B. stepped closer to Steven and I, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well...I mean, I was about to. Do you want to join me?" He directed towards me, motioning in the direction of the security command center.

"Alright." Steven interrupted, slightly stepping between J.B. and myself. "I should go with you, yeah?" He inched closer to J.B. and bent his head away from prying eyes and ears. "I might have some information on the...burst pipes." Steven said a little less louder than his previous phrases.

J.B. looked between the two of us and nodded. "Okay, come on. Follow me, then." He guided us behind the station and to one of the several leather office chairs behind it. He routinely assumed his place in the cushioned seat directed towards the immense array of monitors overlooking every camera in the museum.

It was amazing just how much coverage the cameras provided. I was confident that something had been caught on the feed.

"Please, do not tell Donna that I brought you to my arena." J.B. begged. "Please, Dr. (L/N), I actually like this job." His eyes pleaded to me and Steven, clasping his hands as if he were praying.

I don't understand why he believed he was in the wrong when Steven and I were partially responsible for the incident and the burst pipes.

"I won't say a word." I promised, gesturing to the screens, hoping that would inspire him to begin the investigation.

Steven lightly touched my shoulder. "Dr. (L/N)...?" His eyebrows were knit together inquisitively. He didn't seem upset, but sweetly smiled at me.

I didn't get to tell him why I was here exactly.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now