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[A/N: Hello my lovelies! Episode 6 left me speechless, and you better believe that these final chapters of this book will be of the same caliber. Thank you for sharing this journey with me, and I can't wait to lead you to the end. I love all of you, my wonderful readers, and I hope you enjoy! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains swearing, light angst, sexual references, and extreme emotions.🌙]
Darkness: the partial or total absence of light.

Without the darkness, what need would there be for the moon? Without the sun, would the moon even desire to stay? There is no balance if there is not a shadow for an approaching light, nor if there is no sun to accompany the moon.

The universe demands and requires balance, and yet, the affects are unknown should the celestial bodies lose their only devoted, equal, and balanced companion for eternity.

How would the cosmos function if the world lost the sun or the moon, or would they even care to notice? Surely, there are countless moons and infinite suns that reside in every galaxy known and unaccounted for.

But this particular moon and sun, if made unbalanced by the loss of the other, would throw the cosmic balance into a disorganized and uncontrollable chaos.

"Honey, don't!"

Before I could squeeze the trigger with enough pressure to finalize my fate, my wrist was roughly grabbed by an insatiable grip and I was professionally disarmed faster than I could open my eyes.

There was a hurried shuffle before I realized what was happening. A sound of a metal slide and the release of a dropped casing alerted me that the gun I has just forcing into my temple was unloaded not able to deliver any damage, expected or unexpected.

My hand, which was once tightly clutching the textured grip was now empty and suddenly I was encased into a familiar form that smelled...

Like my husband.

I opened my eyes from having been forced closed when I had accepted my fate. Large, open hands palmed my back, securing me into a broad chest that was releasing soft cries.

I couldn't place this memory.

This apparition...wasn't disappearing like the ones that I had aimlessly chased and followed before.

"...Marc?" I hardly whispered before I buried my face into his shoulder and eagerly wrapping my shaking hands around his neck.

His body stiffened and his perspiring forehead was suddenly against mine, his breathing agitated for more than one reason unbeknownst to me. "No." He negatively shook his head and reached a warm, open hand towards my heated cheek, delicately wiping my straying tears away. "No, I'm not Marc." He definitively repeated, gently kissing my other cheek, nuzzling my face between his nurturing hand and his tender lips.

His voice was still alluring and melting with the comforting honey of a baritone melody, but his accent was a tell-tale clue that he was being truthful.

My eyebrows raised in confusion and I worriedly searched his eyes. They were familiar, dark, and always darting in a dangerous, feral pattern. I had seen this expression several times. When Marc and I argued, when Steven and I shared heated words, and when Marc and I were aggressively and passionately tangled together in the hotel room.

His eyes were lustful, obsessional, possessive, and insatiable. But he didn't frighten me.

"I'm..." His breaths became more labored as if he was trying to stay focused on fronting and his eyes squeezed hard as he attempted to speak. "I'm Jake. I-I've been with Marc for...a long, long time. But," He groaned, blinking his eyes rapidly as if he was losing time, "Him and Steven don't know about me." He admitted, his thumb carefully rubbing my cheek.

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