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[A/N: All right y'all, this is the final chapter before the next episode! I'm so excited! I've been leaving clues in the recent chapters and there's even foreshadowing in the beginning chapters, just for you all to discover the possible outcomes of the plot. I can't believe this has over 61k reads. I love you all. -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter is extremely long, contains swearing, and, you guessed it, angst.🌙]
For the rest of the drive reaching out of the city and stretching far into the vast desert, Marc refused to let go of my hand. He had intertwined our fingers and used his other hand softly caress my knuckles.

With everyone else, I hated to be touched. There was something from my past the had initiated the fear, the loathing of physical contact, but I couldn't remember why.

Something within me begged me to not revisit that memory.

What I did remember is that Marc's constant, warm, gentle, and merciful caresses had been healing whatever scars my past had bestowed on me. But although he had been restoring me, I still felt...





Marc had led most of our conversations because he hated the silence that I couldn't bring myself to fill. He blamed himself, his sudden outburst, and his apparent lack of control. He assumed that the silence and lack of conversation meant that I was still pondering his damaging words that he carelessly threw at me.

And so, he talked to distract me.

But even then, I was too distracted about my conspiratorial side mission.

While Marc held my hand and my other was on the steering wheel, I had nothing else to comfort the parts of my body that were tormenting me from Re's physical discipline. The ribs on my left side were stinging from being dropped onto the road, my chest and spine were tender from being stepped on by Re, and my constantly throbbing head all combined to create a symphonic collection of misery.

Another reason to avoid physical touch.

As we continued to drive deep into the dunes of sand, farther down the marked path of the road, Marc was nonchalant and returned to his normal and calm state.

While my eyes were focused on the driving aspect, his eyes periodically searched my face. He knew something had shifted, not in our feelings for the other, but he suddenly felt like so much more was at stake then simply preventing Ammit from plaguing the Earth.

Marc felt as if the fate of the cosmos was depending on us.

He could also tell that I was in severe agony, but he didn't know what from. And I couldn't admit it to him.

In the shadowed evening, under the partially full moon, the previous tracks leading into the desert had disappeared. I brought the vehicle to a stop and parked it in silence, swallowing dryly from hardly contributing to Marc's most one-sided conversation.

I shivered when the cool blade of Re's dagger ran over the skin on my leg.

"Hey..." Marc whispered, squeezing my hand. "I love you, my moon." He slightly smiled, the light wrinkles I adored crinkling at the corners of his coffee-colored eyes.

I turned my head towards him, ignoring the pounding pain in the back of my head. "I..." Don't cry. Don't you dare. "I love you, my morning, afternoon, and evening sun." I softly returned, narrowly avoiding a complete breakdown in his arms.

He was going to hate me. I couldn't live knowing that he hated me.

With a hum of satisfaction, Marc lifted our conjoined hands to his mouth, sealing the back of my hand with a kiss of adoration and absolute devotion.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now