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[A/N: Hello, my lovelies! Here's another chapter because I love you spoil you all. How would you feel if there was a playlist dedicated to this book? Would you be interested in listening? Anyways, please continue to be patient with me as I mirror these chapters with the episode. Enjoy! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains extremely saddening angst.🌙]
"(Y/N), come here sweetheart. You're too close to the water." My mother's heavenly voice beckoned for me to steer clear of the hazardous depths of the river.

I giggled and immediately obeyed, childishly running through the reeds that littered the embankment and I finally collapsed into my mother's comforting grasp. She lovingly guided me to sit in her lap as she played with my hair.

She hummed a melody, a lullaby that she would graciously hum to me whenever we were together. We were bonded deep in our heart, even in our souls.

"My beautiful (Y/N)... You know I love you, right?" She questioned and I nodded in excitement, tugging at the grass by my bare feet.

"I love you too, Momma." I grinned and leaned into her comforting chest.

Her hand lovingly stroked my hair as she cradled me close. "As much as I love you, I wish that you find someone who will love you unconditionally, that will love you so truly that nothing can separate you. Someone that will tenderly care for you and promise to protect you." Her voice was filled with regret, yet as a child, I didn't understand her warning.

"Okay, but I have you and Papa." I returned, watching my mother's smile falter before she disguised her sadness for me.

"Yes. You have me and Papa... But if I'm ever to leave, I want you to know that you are always my first choice. You will always be my little girl, my most precious gift." She pressed her lips into my cheek and I giggled. "You are my blessing from the gods."

I wrapped my arms around her neck and played with her long, elegant hair. Her heartbeat remained constant under my ear and I found my peace resting against her.

Never in my young 7 years had I ever expected her to be taken from me so suddenly.

"I need you to listen, okay? Listen very closely. Momma has something very important to do. She's been working her whole life to be able to do it, just so you don't have to." She spoke, her voice running over me like a sweet incense.

"What are you going to do for me, Momma? Is it because I'm just a kid?"

"Oh, my baby." She smiled and chucked softly. "I am going to help bring balance to the world and make it a beautiful place for you. I'm going to make sure that your future is easy, and that no one will ever cause harm to you. Every child will be given a peaceful opportunity and not have to worry about what happens in their own future." Her comforting aroma surrounded me and I breathed deeply, trying to remember her as detailed as I could.

What neither she or I knew, was that she had been manipulated into accepting a contract that would result in the loss of her life.

"What's my future going to be like, Momma?" I questioned, watching her eyes stare off far into the distance and seemingly lost in thought.

"Hmm...I see you growing into a beautiful woman. You will love life, waiting for the sun every morning just so you can start your day. Everything you touch will be restored and marvelous to behold. You will fall deeply in love only once, and that love will last for many lifetimes. And, when you're ready, you will be the most wonderful mother, (Y/N)."

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