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[A/N: Happy MoonKnight Eve, all! This is a shorter chapter, but stay tuned for the next chapter later tonight, which will be the final installment before the release of tomorrow's episode. -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains swearing and angst.🌙]
Re, standing in the middle of the road, in the midst of the completely paused world, beckoned me to exit the vehicle with an abrupt motioning of his hand.

The terrifying god of the sun was more intimidating and frightening than any depictions created in Egyptian glyphs, artistic renditions, or any other form of expression.

Nobody had ever perfectly captured his radiating essence and the utter despair that emanated from him.

Re's stature was colossal, more towering than Anubis was. His head was one of a falcon, majestic and authoritative. His piercing, golden eyes bore into me, possibly considering incinerating me where I remained motionless.

He was cloaked in luminous golden robes, glowing and emitting his own celestial light, with hints of teal and scarlet fabric peeking from the eye-catching auriferous material. Re, just like Anubis, also had a staff that acted as a symbol of his power and declaring his status. At the top of the staff was a hovering and lustrous blood-orange sphere, a miniature sun that was rotating and oscillating inches above the solid gold staff.

That wasn't a suggestion, you worthless sack of bones. That was a command.

The door to the vehicle opened when Re immediately pointed at it, telepathically making my choice for me. Before I could grab onto something in protest, I was being dragged out of the driver's seat. An invisible hold on my ankle violently ripped me from the car and dragged me toward's Re staring figure. My body stilled as I came to rest on my back, directly beneath Re's intense gaze.

My frantic eyes searched the unmistakable expression of displeasure on his face. I could only breathe in shuddering, frightened huffs. Re and I had only seen each other once before, and that was the night he killed me.

The memories of that night tumbled onto me heavy and immovable, like thousands of bricks stuck to my skin.

You just can't stay dead, can you? I bet being the avatar of the god of the dead has its benefits.

Re forcefully slammed the staff into the ground besides my face, causing a thunderous roar to deafen my ears. I covered my ringing ears, unable to vocally complain. In a cowering position, I turned to my side and brought my knees up to my chest.

Anubis! Please, I need you!

I screamed as loudly and as piercing as I could within the confines of my mind, but heard no sarcastic response of Anubis in return.

It was me against Re.

Re snarled and, as if he was inspecting a deceased and decomposing carcass, adjusted my face to look up at him with the end of the cold, distant staff. His expression was one of disgust and repulsive disdain.

He can't save you now. Not even you can save yourself.

"Re, p-please..." I implored with fear dripping from my voice, "I don't want any trouble. Take your power back! I didn't even know that I had taken it from you." My explanation apparently wasn't satisfactory, as his eyes squinted in scornful aggression. "I'm sorry!" My hands shook with tremors as I raised them above my figure laying in the ground.

I don't want your deplorable apologies. I want your servitude!

Re violently shouted, knocking my hands away from protecting my face with the end of the staff. He began to encircle me, his footsteps rumbling the street, and the staff pounding tremors into the ground.

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