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[A/N: Hello, my lovely readers! My apologies for the lateness of uploading this chapter. Thank you for being patient! Don't forget, this book now has a playlist on Spotify with the same name, and the author is Maple! As always, Enjoy! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains swearing, sexual insinuation, and angst.🌙]
Marc groaned against my neck, his open lips attaching to my flushed neck, and his hungry fingers digging into the clothed flesh of my hips.

I slightly arched beneath him and silently winced in pain. As he panted against my skin, I sunk my nails into the peaks of his shoulders and dragged them deeply into the skin of his muscled back.

"Damn..." Marc hissed and ground his hips against mine roughly, almost as if a punishment. He released a throaty groan, wishing that our barriers of clothing weren't separating us from immeasurable and uncontainable pleasure.

"Marc, Marc..." I tried to play off my cry of pain as a pleasured moan, hoping that he would believe everything was fine.

Everything was not fine.

His bare chest panted deeply against my still-covered body. I had requested to leave on my dress, claiming that I had a damaging sunburn on my back from a day working in the sun. Marc agreed with no hesitation, even saying that he could assist is caring for my supposed burns.

But I quickly disagreed, for one, because I needed him, and two, because instead of a sunburn, he'd see the impact of the punishment that I had acquired in his absence.

I needed Marc for the love that I was desperate for. He willingly and freely gave me physical reassurance, not always sexual in nature, but even in our close proximity and sensual kissing and wandering hands.

Marc's healing of physical affirmation made me forget about the despicable touch of others.

He made me feel worthy of being touched in a way as gentle and tender as his ghostly caress.

My eyes fluttered closed as Marc planted sweet kisses over my blushed cheeks, humming in contentment. His grip tightened and he continued to release his weight directly onto my body and pressing my injured back harshly into the ground.

I bit my lip, attempting to hold my cries within.

"Hey baby, you okay?" Marc ceased his movements and stilled, worryingly glancing at my face as he hovered above me. "I'm sorry if I'm being too rough, I just missed you. And...this is your last night as my fiancée." He chuckled and nuzzled his nose against mine.

I hurriedly nodded. "I'm fine, everything is fine. Kiss me, Marc..." I encouraged him, raising a leg and nudging his side to inspire him to resume his adventure of traversing every inch of my skin with his curious lips, familiarizing himself once again with the terrain of my body.

"Okay, okay, my love." Marc smiled, gently grasping my wrist and raising it above my head and placing his palm on top of mine, interlocking our fingers. His lips met mine in a sloppy kiss as he lazily pushed his tongue past my lips.

Removing one hand from his back, I tangled it into his hair and lovingly held his locks out of his face. He smiled into the kiss and tilted his head, angling his face to deepen his exploration.

I sighed, finally feeling at peace, and tugged Marc's lip with my own. His next kiss landed on the corner of my lips, to my chin, and finally to my neck. His hips shifted again, forcing my back painfully into the cushions again.

My hand that was once attached to Marc's shoulder was now clamped on my face, trapping my agonizing shout in my throat.

Marc began to suck relentlessly on my skin and I panicked, knowing that although it was our small, private wedding tomorrow, a love mark would be visible to everyone, including my father.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now