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[A/N: My lovely readers, I've heard your cries and begging prayers over the last chapter. I'd never leave you all in such a despondent position with that cliffhanger as the end. So, here is the next chapter, my loves. And I have a few more to follow, and trust me, you're going to want to read them. I love you all, so please, enjoy! -K🖤]

[🌙This chapter contains slight swearing and minor angst.🌙]
I gasped and immediately clutched at my chest, feeling the ghostly remnants of the dagger that I had forced into my heart just seconds previously.

When my fingers grabbed at empty air, I opened my eyes curiously, also noticing that I heard nothing but a faint echo of reverberating emptiness.

Vast darkness covered over what I perceived to be the sky from my prostrate and flat position as I laid on the ground. The expanse of the heavens, familiarly, held a muted version of the sun that I was once fortunate to see.

Gravely, obsidian grains of sand irritated my back, my calves, and my elbows, causing me to sit up and begin brushing off my itchy skin. My white robes and green train had disappeared, leaving me in an even stranger apparel.

I quickly and confusedly stood to my feet and peered down at the long, dark dress with slits that reached to my thighs. I don't remember choosing this outfit, nor would I wear it in the desert landscape that I was surrounded by.

"Marc?" I immediately called out, terrified that I was alone, turning around to find the same repetitive dunes of sand all around me, on every side, and everywhere I faced next. "Steven?" I picked up my dress to begin traversing the sand, expecting them to be within arms reach.

Swirls of smoky fog rolled around me in the eerie location that I remembered faintly, but they moved briskly as I interrupted the once calm stationary smoke with my hurried movements.

"Jake!" I beckoned louder, beginning to panic when they weren't responding. I didn't know where I was, but I remember they were with me when I...


Hearing my name convinced me to turn towards the the voice who spoke it so profoundly. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth, abruptly beginning to approach the welcoming figure that was feet away from me. "Anubis! I don't know where everyone is, I-"

You are dead, my avatar.

My explanation failed to continue tumbling from my mouth as I reached his position. His words paralyzed me instantaneously. He was standing tall and at attention, his staff upright and seeming to radiate even more authority within the realm we resided.

But his expression was troublesome, worried, and deeply saddened.

Just like before, we are in the Duat. Your version of it at least.

My hands massaged my temples, recalling Marc and Steven frantically attempting to stop the blood that relentlessly poured from my chest in an unstoppable torrent. Layla was even by my side as I faded into the shadows, and when I had woken, she was also gone.

"Are you..." My eyes dropped to the sand before Anubis. "Are you going to judge me now?" I questioned, closing my eyes, knowing that my verdict would not exactly match with the qualifications needed to peacefully rest in the Field of Reeds.

Not yet. We are going to converse. More precisely, I am going to talk and you are going to listen.

I nodded in understanding, knowing that if I even tried to have a conversation, I'd end up faltering and responding in tears.

I was dead.

I left Marc, Steven, and Jake again. My death was a repeat for Marc, and a new experience for Steven and Jake.

The Moon and The Sun (MoonKnightxReader)Where stories live. Discover now