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The cold New Orleans air nips her exposed skin as she walks through the streets of the bustling city. She huffs in annoyance as she notices the door of her home stuffed with people. People who want to be seen by the famous family of New Orleans. The Mikaelsons.

Evanora Mikaelson pushes past the humans briskly, some protesting but hushing as they notice who she is.

It is Christmas, and like always, there is a Mikaelson get-together. All her siblings, excluding Finn, are awake. Including her twin. If he is not, she would not be either.

She marches up the stairs in search of her twin. Many people compliment the girl who smiles and thanks them. But who can blame them? If there is one thing for sure, Evanora is beautiful. Her blonde hair hangs in large curls, gathered gently into a half-up, half-down situation while adorned with white star clips she purchased. Her hazel eyes flick back and forth through the crowd of people in search of the one person she trusts.

Her dress hugs her body as almost a second skin. The navy blue material compliments her pale skin. The dress is somewhat identical to her sister's, Rebekah, but it looks like it is made for her. Her black heels click against the marble floors and quickly halts as she sees him.

He walks over to her with a Cheshire-like smile. "Hello, sister." Kol Mikaelson hugs her gently and looks over the balcony railing at their brother, Niklaus. "I think he knows..." She mumbles under her breath, hoping that Niklaus is too busy to pay attention to what the twins are discussing. "It will be okay. I have a plan." Kol smirks and flicks his gaze over to the stairs, where he sees Rebekah and Marcel.

"I despise him," Evanora growls in distaste as she sees who Kol is staring at. Marcellus Gerard, better known as Marcel, smirks as he feels the glares on his skin like hot daggers. He has always been treated more like family than the two ever were. He is held up on a pedestal that they can never reach. While he is being doted on by Niklaus and Rebekah, Kol and Evanora lash out in the only way they can, which normally results in a daggering.

"As do I, Eva. But we must play our cards correctly. Otherwise, we will end back up in our lovely coffins Nik has." Kol whispers and takes a sip from the drink he had moments prior.

The twins watch the crowd until they see their siblings and Marcellus gathered on the stairs. A waiter nervously walks up to the family with drinks on a platter. His black hair is slicked back, much like the others in the room. His dark hands shake nervously, causing the metal to clink against the glass. Evanora smiles as she notices the fear in his brown eyes and lifts his chin with her gloved hand. The waiter is on the step below her and cannot help but look anywhere else but her.

Her bright eyes darken and dilate as she begins the compulsion. "You will stop shaking. You will enjoy yourself tonight, and then you will come up to my room when the party is over." The waiter releases his tension from before, and like magic, he stops shaking. He murmurs back what the girl said and steps away in a dazed state.

"Nora, must you?" Marcellus rolls his eyes in annoyance as he watches the man walk away. "I must," she grins maliciously and looks towards her twin, who nervously watches Niklaus walk up the stairs. Evanora clicks her tongue, causing her twin to look at her with a curious expression. His curiosity fades as she gives him a look, which means to act naturally. Well, as natural as people who created a dagger against their brother can be.

The twin brother looks down in the crowd to see a girl smiling at him. "Isn't she stunning?" He asks his sister as he nods in the girl's direction. Evanora looks at him as if he grew three heads in a minute. "She looks like our mother."

"Does not." He defends quickly while she scoffs and straightens her posture as she sees the cameraman. The six of them raise their glasses with a smile and keep still as the camera flashes.

Niklaus immediately taps a utensil against his glass. Evanora feels nervousness swarm in her stomach.  Grinding her teeth together, absentmindedly tapping her fingers against the stair handle.

"As you know, when the Mikaelsons arrived in Louisiana, we brought with us the tradition of Holiday Bonfire Season. Now, we invite you chosen few to join us in our family's own tradition of writing wishes for each other and burning them for luck." Pushing back her fear, Evanora smiles in remembrance of the many times she has spent with her family on Christmases just like this.

"The holidays are a time for celebrating family and friends." He pauses to look at Marcel who slowly smirks, causing both Mikaelson twins to stop their warm smiles. "It is especially gratifying in times when treachery runs deep." Evanora freezes as she feels the cold stare of her brother on her back. "To know you have someone you can trust." With her heart racing, she looks toward Kol as he eyes the balcony as an escape.

Niklaus Mikaelson knows what the twins planned. But how?

"A toast," He raises his glass in the air. "To you, my sister. To Rebekah!" Evanora frowns as she sees her sister smile. Kol retreats up the stairs, Evanora not far behind.

"Some brilliant plan you have!" She shouts at her twin who rolls his eyes. Elijah stops them from rushing past the balcony, causing them to turn around only to find Klaus. While the eldest brother grabs Kol roughly by his arms, Klaus snatches Evanora by her hair into his arms.

She whimpers as she feels her hair ripping from her scalp. Gasps from the crowd echo from below them, horrified at the scene the family is causing. "Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the disturbance. But what's a Mikaelson family party without a little squabble?" A sinister smile forms on Klaus' lips as he plunges the dagger into the heart of his sister and then brother.

Their cries of agony soon fade as they become desiccated. It would not be until 2012 that the twins would wake.



Here's the finished prologue! I hope you enjoyed it and chapter one will be up soon 💕

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now