57 the stake

821 36 2

Cadiz Spain - 1702

Baseboards creak as blood soaks into each crack of wood. Men and women lay dead and blood pours in pools that vampires swim in. A bloody massacre is upon the Mikaelsons, as Mikael discovered their location once again.

Evanora Mikaelson sits in a rocking chair, playing with the tip of her nose. She ignores the moaning of delight her brother produces as he continues to feed off an innocent woman. She ignores the stomping of boots her other brothers produce as they trample down the stairs.

She mainly thinks of what to do next. Should she and Kol make a run for it? Going in opposite directions as Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah?

"Kol? Evanora?" Klaus yells as he and Elijah enter the room. Both vampires remove their hats at the sight of the room and their sister sitting in the middle of it. The forever 19 year old is coated in blood. Dried and crusted to her chin, soaked in her white dress.

"All of my efforts to keep this family concealed, yet debauchery like this has led Father to us." The blonde rolls her eyes immediately, standing up with a stretch. "Can we not have some fun, brothers? We were so hungry." She pouts and then flashes them an evil smirk.

Klaus rolls his eyes as well, not in the mood for her antics. "Kol, show yourself. This is no time for games."

"There's always time for games with us, brother." She purrs and looks over to see her twin feeding off a woman who moans in pain. He extends his arms and drops the woman to the floor. "Come, come, brother. Eva is right, there is always time for games." He picks up a half full cups of whiskey and strolls to his twin.

She gives him a look as he sits down in a rocking chair.

"We must leave. Mikael is very nearly upon us." This makes Evanora roll her eyes once again. Anger flourishes in her stomach, her fists ball up and her eyes turn hard. "If Mikael were upon us, I imagine Niklaus would be quite dead." Kol looks to the seething Evanora.

"I barely escaped. Father left the head of my horse on a pike in the town square." "He killed poor Theo?" Kol asks with faux sympathy. "What a beast." Evanora adds. "But then, Father's always hated you most. Surely he'll chase you if you flee, leaving us here."

The blonde twin grins, "Perhaps I'll make myself mayor." Kol points to her and nods. "And what a lovely mayor you'll be, sister."

"Rebekah and Finn have already boarded the ship. It's imperative that we remain together." Elijah looks down at Kol who immediately stands back up. "Rebekah does what she's told because she fears Nik."

"Finn is in no position to argue otherwise." Evanora adds from where she stands. "We'll take our chances here." Kol smiles at his brothers, backing up to turn away. But he runs face to face into Elijah. Then turns to look at Klaus.

Evanora panics as she knows what is coming next.

"I find it amusing that you think you have a choice." As quick as lighting, a dagger hovers above Kol's chest. Elijah holds him while keeping an eye on the other twin. But Evanora has other plans.

It is complicated daggering both twins. It is a two person job.

"No, I swear to you, the day will come when I'm not so easily subdued. And on that day, I will make you suffer." Kol growls and looks at his twin. She grins evilly and nods her head. 

And she runs.

This is the first time she has ever ran. She doesn't know where she's going.

She is faster than her brothers, but not as fast as the person who tackles her to the ground. Rebekah grins and looks up, Evanora scowls and tilts her head back to see two feet walking to her.

"That was a big mistake." She mutters. And then the world goes black.


"He and Elijah are both brutal sadistic monsters." Davina tells Marcel and Evanora grins as she stands beside her older brother. "And what about me?" She asks, Marcel looks at her, and Davina turns around.

"I do wish I could disagree with you. Tragically, however, you're quite right." Elijah picks at his nails while his sister shakes her head. "About them, he means. I'm a delight." She grins casually and doesn't miss the disappointed look Davina gives Marcel.

Elijah walks over to the vampire and the witch, Evanora following suit. "Although you and I both have excellent reasoning to find that weapon. I want to protect my family, and you want to protect your friends. We'd do well to forget our grievances and join forces."

Davina shakes her head, causing Evanora to frown. "No," Is all she states. "Davina would you-" "No, I'm done listening. For a long time, you and your family have had all the power. You manipulate and kill anyone who gets in your way. That time's over. From now on, you can know what it is to be afraid." The witch snarls as she stands in front of Elijah.

The blonde original pushes her brother aside. "You have no idea what you're playing with, Little Witch." Anger bubbles inside her. She told Elijah Davina wouldn't do it, so she begged him to visit her witches. But, Elijah and Klaus seem to be insulted that the witches have refused service to them before.

They didn't have their favorite Original with them.

"I asked you to stay out of sight, Elijah." Marcel growls in frustration. "And Nora, when did you get here?" That causes her to snap out of her thoughts and grin once again. "I saw 'Lijah in the alleyway and decided I'd crash the party."

"I wanted to speak to her face to face. I assumed having Evanora alongside would calm her down, since she seems to have a liking for my sister." Is all Elijah says as he stares where Davina left. "Why? So that you could piss her off?"

The Original narrows his eyes and turns to face the younger vampire. "I wanted to see for myself. She cares for you and yet how cavalier she was at the jeopardy that you now face."

"What are you saying?"

Wheels turn and click precisely in Evanora's mind. Her eyes widen as her brother doesn't even have to say a thing.

"She knows the stake will not be used because she knows precisely where it is. She's had it all along."

"That bitch."


𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now