18 witches you say

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Hayley, Rebekah, and Evanora scour the house for Elijah. The two sisters know that Klaus has done something with him and they plan to find him.

"The Governor had lots of secret rooms. I'll show you his favorite." The blonde Mikaelson sighs as the three walk down the stairwell. "I never met the Governor," Evanora begins and turns her head to look at the werewolf who raises an eyebrow.

"And why not? I thought you were in New Orleans with them?" This makes her laugh and she looks back at Hayley who frowns. "I was here, just in my lovely coffin that I treasure with my entire being." She states sarcastically as they turn the corner into a dark room.

Rebekah rolls her eyes at her sister's remark and continues walking, flashlight in hand. That's when she stops abruptly as does Evanora.

The three females stand in front of the coffins that have carried the siblings through many years. Though there have been upgraded coffins, it still holds the same message: 'you screwed up and need to be punished.'

"You think Klaus killed him." Hayley breathes out in realization and tightens her grip on the flashlight. The originals spread out in the room looking for Elijah. "We can't be killed, silly girl. But that doesn't stop Klaus from finding ways to torture us."

"Punishment for our 'mistakes' he doesn't approve of. He has a set of daggers, one for each sibling." Evanora informs the werewolf and draws her lips into a thin line. The daggers will never be used on two Mikaelsons ever again.

She sighs and pushes the thought away and huffs. "One in the heart sends us into a deep slumber. Klaus gets his jollies from keeping us in a box until he decides to pull the dagger out. That must be what he's done to Elijah." Rebekah informs Hayley who looks at the two sisters in horror.

The brunette sister glumly eyes hers and Kol's coffin side by side. Their names etched in a gold plate at the bottom half of the wood. "This one is mine, and that's Evanora's."

"He keeps your coffins on standby." The werewolf says in disbelief. Would he do the same to this baby?

"He likes to be prepared for when his family members inevitably disappoint him. I, more than some." Evanora scowls at her sister who ignores her once more. "Elijah's isn't here. He must have stashed him elsewhere."

Hayley looks deeply into Evanora's hazel eyes and sees the pain and hurt hidden as she looks at a certain coffin. "I feel sick..." She lies to Rebekah in hopes of getting her and the brunette Mikaelson alone.

"Welcome to the family, love. You should have run the second you realized Elijah was gone."

Evanora grumbles and brushes past the females and begins to walk up the stairs. "Yeah, well, the witches have put some sort of hex on me. As long as I'm carrying this baby, I can't leave New Orleans. If I do, they will kill me." The Mikaelson freezes and a faint smile grazes her lips.

"Witches you say?"


A faint knock sends Evanora flying to the door of the mansion. The biggest of grins on her face as she opens the door with a thump. Four women stand on the porch steps dressed in black.

They wear black attire and silver jewelry. The woman in the middle, grins and holds her arms out with a squeal. Evanora lets out a relieved sigh and rushes into the woman's comforting arms.

"My girl, how I missed you so!" Eudora whispers and rests her head on the brunette's shoulder. "Nora!" Blair and Willa exclaim happily and join in on the hug. Dorthea joins last and the five girls all smile in happiness. Their friendship has never left, no matter how many years of separation occurs.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now