19 mystery woman

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He wakes up with a shaky breath. The world is white. White walls, white ceiling, an endless world of one color. Then enters a beautiful girl. Her hair falls in blonde waves held back by multiple silver pins.

Her eyes never leave his, as she walks closer to him. He blinks slowly and watches her near him. The world shifts from the plain white walls, to the home he currently reclaimed as his own. She stands in the foyer and tilts her head slightly.

Kai rushes over to the couch and sits down immediately. The woman sits down on the same couch as him. "Hello," He starts and waits for her to reply.

But she doesn't.

She never does.

"Still not talking to me, eh? That's alright, I guess. I wouldn't want to talk to me either." He fumbles with his fingers and looks down in embarrassment.

He has been in this prison world for years. Every day the same constant loop. No one in this lonely form of punishment except him.

Until the day he had decided to end his life. That's when he saw her. The mystery woman who never talks. He didn't want to give his dad the satisfaction of knowing he wanted to die, but he could only be alone for so long. But that day soon became his best.

He doesn't care how saddening it is that he kills himself regularly just to not be lonely. Especially since she doesn't talk.

"I went back to the house. I hate that place. I hate everyone who lived in that stupid place. They hated me, why is it so wrong I hate them? Just because I was born different and they never cared about how I felt. I know it was wrong to kill them, but it made me feel better."

The woman smiles softly and places a comforting hand on his. Her hazel eyes sparkle slightly under the fluorescent lighting. Her blonde hair is fluffy and has slight curls amongst the straight pieces. She wears a pair of silver dangling earrings which fall to her jawline.

Over the years he has noticed her attire has changed through the years. When he first saw her, she wore a long navy blue dress with white gloves that traveled up her arms. Her clothes changed into dresses, jeans, pantsuits, etc..

Today, she wears a black sleeveless dress with silver rhinestones embedded in the fabric. It stops mid thigh and is paired with black platform boots. Over the dress she has a jacket that is black and the top and green at the bottom.

"I wish you could talk to me. I feel like I'm going insane and this is probably a figment of my imagination. I'm never leaving this hellhole and the least my shitty dad could do is give me some company." Kai scowls and kicks his foot forward. "He probably thinks I'd kill them."

The woman turns her head to the side and looks out the window. The blue sky slowly turns white. Kai follows her gaze and groans in frustration.

It's time for him to be alone again.

"I'll see you later, Mystery Babe."


Evanora Mikaelson wakes up with a loud gasp. She grips the bed sheets in her hands. Her body shakes slightly and her breathing is erratic. The vampire swallows thickly and looks around her bedroom.

She dreamt of that night again.

The piercing screams on a constant horrific loop. Being trapped in the room with her decaying twin. Not being able to leave. The gut wrenching feeling of part of her soul leaving.

A knock comes from the shut wooden door. She straightens up and releases the wrinkled sheets. "Come in," Her voice is hoarse and thick with sleep. Rebekah walks in and searches the dark room for her sister. Once she finds her, she promptly walks over to the empty side of the bed and gets in.

The brunette Mikaelson raises her eyebrow and turns to look at the youngest. "Do not think I didn't hear you having a nightmare. Now, I may not be Kol, but I am your sister and I love you. So come here," Rebekah extends her arms to her sister who has tears in her eyes.

All she wants is comfort.

The blonde holds the elder sister as she cries. Broken sobs escape her cracked lips. She has tried moving on, but it's hard when it's someone who has never left your side the entirety of your never ending life.

Another knock comes from the wooden door, and Evanora sniffles and looks up meekly. Klaus stands in the doorway with a perplexed look. Rebekah motions for him to come and comfort the crying Mikaelson.

He huffs and slowly trudges forward. He gets in the bed with the sisters as well and sits awkwardly. "Comfort her," The blonde mouths and Klaus shakes his head in confusion.

The hybrid leans forward slightly and pathetically pats his hand on his sister's shoulder. Evanora looks up from Rebekah's hug to glare at her brother. "The least you could do is talk to me, Nik. Not pathetically pat my shoulder." She scoffs and he rolls his eyes.

Her face is puffy and red, hazel eyes bloodshot, and nose bright red. Her cream colored crew neck is plastered to her chest, while her fuzzy Scooby-Doo clad legs are tucked underneath her.

"Forgive me, Eva. I am not used to comforting you. That was his expertise..." He says hesitantly and waits for her to burst back into tears. Instead, she lets go of Rebekah and sits back up. She leans forward and plays with her fingers.

"I remember how angry he was when he found out he couldn't do magic anymore. He wouldn't tell anyone this, but he had cried. That part of his life he loved had disappeared." Evanora says with a sad smile.

She had comforted him as he mourned the loss of his old life. Just like he had done all those times when life was too stressful for her.

"I shouldn't have daggered the two of you for so long." Klaus admits guiltily while hanging his head down. "We missed so much time with you all." Evanora sniffs and sits up to hug her brother who hugs back in shock.

"Eva, when we saw Kol for the last time, he said I mourned for a grand total of 24 hours. He was wrong." Rebekah states and her sister only nods.

"No one knew him like you did, sister. And we do not expect you to move on from this loss immediately. Take your time." 


More Kai appearances 😏

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