16 new orleans

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The baseboards of the ship creak under the weight of the man who steps down them. He holds a lateen held tightly in his grasp. Few men follow him as they scour the ship for new belongings on the deserted ship. "Where in hell is everyone?"

"Deserted, which makes everything in the hold legally forfeit. Take what suits you." The men begin to look around the ship for items they would like. But two men instantly stop as what they see brings a chill down their spines.

Three coffins lay in a straight line, unbeknownst to them, in order of their daggerings. The coffins are designed with intricate detailing. In the middle lay a large gold crest.

In the gold plate is engraved a large 'M' on both coffins. But at the top, there are different names placed. The first coffin has the name 'Finn' marked in the gold. The middle coffin is 'Kol', while the third is marked 'Evanora'.

"Open it up!" One commands and the man with the lantern immediately walks over to the third coffin. He feels drawn to it. He hooks his fingers under the lid and opens the box with a shudder.

The men gasp and stumble back at what they see.

A young woman with beautiful blonde hair lays perfectly still. Her hands clasped together, skin the color of the moon, and a dagger piercing through her skin.

"What the hell?"

The man notices the dark veins covering her body. Her face is set almost as if she were sleeping. Then a loud noise causes him to turn around. Men disappear left and right, leaving the others confused. They turn around in search of the responsible party.

A man is snatched from behind the ladder. One decides to leave the other, going up the ladder. But is only to be snatched just the same. The remaining gentleman holds his lantern tightly in his grasp. It shakes uncontrollably as he fears for his life.

The sound of air whooshes behind him and he turns around with a jump. "Hello," A feminine voice calls politely. The man turns back around to see a woman standing.

She looks like the girl in the box..

But the thing that scares him the most about the woman is her eyes. Pure red with veins protruding from under the skin. He watches as she wipes the red liquid from her face with a handkerchief. Blood. Her face returns to that of a human's, no longer a hideous monster.

"Lovely to see such a handsome face after a long journey. Can I eat him brother?" The man stumbles back at her words. "I'd rather you didn't." A different voice calls and the human whirls around.

A man wears simple attire, like the ones he sees everyday in town. "There's no need to be afraid. You'll do exactly as I say." Elijah Mikaelson begins the compulsion and watches the human's eyes dilate.

"You'll remember nothing."

"I will remember nothing." The man repeats and Elijah smiles. "We've had a very long journey, wherein which, unfortunately, we lost all of our crew. Therefore, I will ask you to kindly transport our belongings to the shore."

The man scoffs and steps back as Elijah steps forward. "What kind of hell demons are you?" His voice breaks as he tries to make sense of the situation. "We're vampires, darling," He turns around to see Rebekah Mikaelson smiling. "The Original Vampires. Rebekah, Elijah," She demonstrates to her older brother behind the human.

"Our brothers Kol and Finn, as well as our sister Evanora, may they rest in peace-"

"Are we saving the best for last?" Rebekah rolls her eyes and shakes her head slightly. "And our half-brother Niklaus." She turns around sharply to see the vampire holding a body close to his chest. Blood cakes his mouth and chin as he smiles down. "Ignore him. He's a beast."

Niklaus laughs and flings the body down the stairs. It falls with a sickening thud, making the human jump back. "We fled Europe and survived the seas. Would you rather I arrive hungry on the shores of our new homeland?" He asks and fixes his wrist buttons.

"Niklaus, your manners are, as always, without equal. Sir, would you be so good as to tell us where it is that we have landed?" Elijah walks forward and stands face to face with the human. "The French Colony of Louisiana. Off the shores of a town they've named New Orleans."

The eldest of the three vampires awake, smiles politely and walks away. "Thank you so much. Oh, I do recommend that you find yourself a little assistance for the luggage. My sincere apologies."


I just wanted to add this lmao. And if y'all saw an update for chapter 17 no you didn't 😤
(I'll publish that one Friday)

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now