24 fruit of the poisoned tree

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Evanora returned the next day by creeping into the mansion quietly. The sun has just begun to peak over the night's sky. The birds chirp loudly as they have just woken up. People begin to move with their daily lives as the Mikaelson stumbles home. She opens the door quietly and manages to sneak past the kitchen. Only to be greeted by a pain named Klaus Mikaelson.

He stands taller than her by four inches and wears a large smirk. His hands are folded securely behind his back and she swears he looks like her twin at that moment. "Eva! Out all night? I trust you weren't drowning men in the bayou again, were you?"

When the Mikaelsons lived in New Orleans together, Evanora had a time where she would kill men who abused their families. Anyone she saw unfit to have a family of their own, she would lure them to the bayou and drown them.

Her voice would be like a siren call, no compulsion needed. They would follow her every move, heed her call, bathe in the attention she spared. Pay no mind to her true intentions of bettering the world.

The city ran amuck searching for the killer of fifteen men. She was dubbed as the 'widow maker' to the people. Thankfully, no one ever assumed New Orleans' beautiful Evanora Mikaelson could do such a horrid thing.

Oh, how wrong they were.

"Not this time, Nik." She hums slightly and brushes past him. The hybrid notices her disarray of appearance. Her once straightened brown hair sits frizzy once more. The puffy yellow skirt has firm wrinkles in it, ones he knows she would never leave the house in.

Appearances are everything to her. It is what makes her feel better about herself. Knowing she has had men and women bewitched by her beauty by just one glance, fills her with an extreme sense of pride. To have herself in shame of her appearance wouldn't be Evanora.

No, she's much too put together for that.

Klaus then notices how smudged her makeup is. The pinkish lipstick is smeared onto her cheek, and faded mascara forms dark circles under her eyes. A small smirk graces his lips as she begins to walk up the stairs.

"I see, little sister, leave your lover before the sun fully rises? Shameful, I know how the humans anger at those actions nowadays." His taunting voice causes her to freeze abruptly. Her fingers are wrapped tightly around the mahogany banister, as she glares holes into the stairs. "Bloody hell," Evanora grumbles and turns around to face her brother.

He stands below her as she is on the steps. She doesn't mind his teasing of her night with Zoe Monroe, but it's who he looks like that bothers her so. It's the mannerisms that cause her heart to shatter once more. The way he bounces on his toes at the excitement of teasing a relative. The way his eyes hold a similar look of mischief he once had.

She knows it's something that cannot be helped. Niklaus and Elijah are their brothers, their family, Kol was bound to have similar traits to the older brothers. It is like her finding the painting of the twins many years ago.

When Klaus had forced the two, who were merely out the door to leave New Orleans, to have their portrait painted. The three settled for one of the twins together. Kol sits in a beige antique chair with intricate detailing engraved in the wooden pieces, while Evanora stands behind the chair. He wears formal attire of that time period: black button down vest, plain white shirt underneath, a gray tie, and a black coat on top.

His legs are crossed, both hands against the arm rests, and his expression is gleeful. He had beaten his twin to the chair they both wanted, knowing the lengthy process these things took. While his expression is nothing but angry, hers is.

Evanora stands behind the chair, which stops at her waist, wearing a forced smile. Her eyes show how truly angry she was over the chair. She wears a long green corset dress, with small detailings of a darker shade of green creating swirling patterns. A matching button down coat adorns her shoulders which are straight as ever.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now