35 i like your rings

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She remembers crying herself to sleep. She managed to drag herself home and fell fast onto her sofa. The antique fabric gave her a sense of comfort as she wept.

But she doesn't remember how she got here.

Standing in the middle of an abandoned house, staring at a beige wall. Nothing's around her, no furniture, no signs of life. No sounds, no heartbeat, nothing.

A small giggle causes her to whirl around to stand face to face with someone she hardly recognizes. He stands proudly with a large wolfish grin on his face. His ears rise as he smiles, eyes squint with joy, and cheeks are stained a light pink.

"Aw, don't look so sad, Evanora. I'm happy to see you too!" Kai cheers and clenches his fist, then pumps it in the air. She huffs and rolls her eyes. "Why am I here again? I would like to be back at my home, please." She silently begs in the back of her mind.

She doesn't want to deal with him. Especially not now.

"I wanted to see you. Obviously we didn't meet on a great note." "I tried to kill you." She interrupts and watches him giggle slightly to himself. "Right, anywho." He beckons her to follow him out of the room.

Evanora rolls her eyes, then follows him. "I figured that I'd bring you to a different place, considering your reaction. Really strange, by the way." He calls over his shoulder as they both walk out of the house.

Both not knowing that the house belonged to a certain werewolf named Tyler Lockwood. "How considerate," She smirks and observes the houses surrounding her. Mystic Falls.

Not this place again.

"I know, I'm a thoughtful guy." He then stops dead in his tracks, Evanora stumbling into him. Her black top meshed perfectly to match his black cargo jacket. She pushes her hands on his back, making him stumble forward with a giggle.

More like a psychotic chuckle, she muses.

"I want to know more about you, Evanora Mikaelson. Despite pouring over countless books, I hardly know anything about you." He strides towards a building, as they enter the town square.

She remembers this place...

The Mystic Grill, the first place she visited with her sister. She smiles faintly to herself and follows after him. "Why is there no one in this forsaken town?"

"Quarantined." He somewhat lies and walks over to the bar, going behind the counter. She situates herself on the other side, while he mixes drinks for both of them. "Liar."

"I'm dead serious, I'm quarantined from everyone else. Banished here from something I did." She keeps quiet and whispers a thank you as he passes her a glass of whiskey.

They both down the liquor with ease, then slam it down on the bar simultaneously. They both raise an eyebrow at each other, challenging stares.

That begins a spiral. He pours the drinks and they both down them in seconds. She doesn't know why, but she enjoys the buzz she has from liquor. Always has.

And Kai? Kai just enjoys spending time with Evanora. He spelled himself to have a strong tolerance for liquor at the age of 18. He wanted to impress a girl, but it didn't work.

Now, he's able to drink liquor like it's water and never be hungover.

"So do you have a nickname? Evanora's a mouthful." He places his chin on his palm and stares into her eyes with a smile. She has the prettiest eyes.

"Nora, to some." She looks at him with a playful smile. This is what she needed. She has set aside her hurt, and has allowed herself to have somewhat fun. "Aw come on, how boring is that? Oh! I have an idea."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now