45 days of lover's past

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This is the fourth time the Mikaelson siblings have done this. Each time, Evanora grows desperately bored of the routine. Pose as children of wealthy rulers, blend in with the human faction, wait until Mikael catches up, then flee the burning kingdom.

She growls in frustration from the itchy headpiece dress she wears. She tugs it from her blonde curls and throws it into a nearby bush. The five siblings, excluding Finn, march up the kingdom stairs with a fool proof plan.

She hates being what she isn't. She hates the ridiculous headpieces she has to wear, and how tall her hair must be in order to blend in. The dresses are fine; she thrives in her silk gowns as she twirls on the dance floor.

Her heavy hair drives her nuts.

"If I have another king look at my chest, I will snap my own neck." She hisses at her sister who nods in agreement. It seems both sisters receive the short end of the stick when being introduced.

The greying monarchs have no trouble flitting their eyes where they do not belong. The blonde twin has been caught by Elijah trying to give the men proper punishments. He scolded her for her foolishness, which she ignores, of course.

The five siblings enter the castle at the hand of the guards. Evanora has yet to question her brothers on how they managed to pull this quest off. She does not know who she is supposed to be at the moment, nor does she quite care.

"Welcome!" A man sitting upon a throne slurs wildly. His rich red clothes surrounded him like a blanket. His hair is jet black with thick gray patches dispersed unevenly.

"It seems we are dealing with a drunken fool," Kol muses to his twin, and continues to smile politely towards the ruler. "At least he will not be aware of the difference." She insists and silences herself once they reach the throne.

The room is bare, with thick white bricks surrounding the room. They stand in a large room with three thrones, and a lush red carpet. The middle throne sits the king, on his right sits a young boy, who seems the age of 16, who deeply resembles his father. He wears a bored expression and tired eyes.

On his left, sits a man a bit taller and curiouser than the younger boy. He catches the twin's eye immediately. His dark black eyes twinkle as he studies her intensely. He wears navy blue clothes, similar to the King's tumbling red robes.

His hair is long, touching the tips of his shoulder's delicately. His skin is tanned from the fresh sun, lips a peachy shade that Evanora can't help but stare at. He smirks as he sees her stare at him.

He can't help but admire her as well. She, and her siblings stand tall and proud. Adorned in fine silk and linen clothes. Evanora wears a long purple dress with white embellishments, while Rebekah wears a blue dress with gold embellishments. The brothers wear simple gray clothing with black details, and heavy black shoes.

Evanora's hair is loose, with few stranded braids falling. Her hazel eyes are twinkling with mischief and admiration towards the stranger.

"Oh... you do not look like Marquess Phillip." The king giggles to himself and hiccups at the end. Evanora bites her tongue from giggling and looks down at the carpet. She notices the blood specks on her dress and widens her eyes at the sight.

She snatched the beautiful dress off of her victim outside of the castle.

She inwardly shrugs and looks back up to see the man smirking at her once more. "Forgive me, my Liege, our Father sends his regards. He has come down with a nasty case of..." Elijah trails off and looks to Klaus for assistance.

"Hemorrhoids, brother." Klaus suddenly adds and the King's face falls. "Oh dear, I haven't heard of that one. Have you, Jordin?" He turns to ask the man who hasn't stopped staring at Evanora.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now