55 the fight

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Evanora follows after her older brothers as they enter the room. Elijah closes the doors behind them while Klaus simply continues to ramble. "We have the Guerreras where we want them, we have them waiting, we have them worried. And now we know they're an army with no defenses against an Original."

"We don't know that for certain." Elijah states and fixes his sleeves. Evanora quietly studies her brothers as they argue. One is bullheaded and determined, while the other is calm and collected. Elijah and Klaus have always intrigued the Original twin. Her brothers are so polar opposite, but are thick as thieves when they do manage to get along.

No Mikaelsons are thicker thieves than the Original Twins were. Elijah and Klaus had nothing on Evanora and Kol. But sadly it is just Evanora now.

"I'm willing to gamble." Klaus mutters. "It's too risky. The stake didn't just disappear. Someone has it." Elijah attempts to reason with his brother but even he knows it is practically useless.

"One enemy at a time. In the end, we'll slay them all." The hybrid sits next to where Evanora stands. White hot pain flashes across his body. The Guerrera wolves draw from his power, making him weak. The blonde feels sorry for her brother, she can't help it.

"Tonight, we just have to plant the right seeds and for that we need help."

Hayley appears and the Original twin is quick to wrap her in a tight hug.

"We're taking the 12 original rings. Now 4 of them sit on the hands of the Guerrera brothers, one on Oliver, one on Rowan, one on Francesca, 3 with her home security detail, and the rest scattered amongst her lackeys. Now each ring is distinguishable by its setting, gauche like those that wear them."

"If they believe they can get their hands on the stake, they will come for it when I am weak. Each ring we retrieve will strengthen me, but I will still be at a disadvantage." Klaus looks up at his brother, then to his sister, and finally to Hayley.

Elijah runs a hand across his face. "Ergo, any hope of our success depends entirely upon our working together." He cuts his eyes at Evanora who grumbles. "Don't look at me, brother, you know I am a team player."

"The two of you can no longer afford to retreat to separate corners." Elijah looks at the two hybrids. The two grieving parents. The two who had to give up their daughter in order for her to be safe.

Klaus stands up, placing his hand on the table.

"This is our fight. Are you ready for battle, Hayley?" He asks the woman before him. "Just promise me that Francesca doesn't come out of this alive."

"Her head will be delivered to you on a silver platter, Little Wolf." Evanora bites her tongue about how she desperately wants to be the one to do it. Her vendetta against Francesca is wicked. Her hatred coils under her designer boots and snakes into her luxurious hair.

"Let's get started, shall we?"


As werewolves flood the compound, Evanora and Hayley were instructed to hang back and retrieve their rings. Oliver and Rowan, the two brother werewolves, look around for sights of anyone being there. Would this be a useless raid?

The blonde casually grins as a werewolf steps closer to where she hides. Just as he is close enough, she extends her arms and snaps his neck. The glorifying crackle sends chills up her spine as she checks to see if there was a ring on him.

Satisfaction runs through her body as she sees the blasted rings that have caused her brother's downfall. Evanora snatches the ring off of the now dead werewolf and pockets it.

The blonde kills every werewolf that passes by her, even if they don't possess a ring.

But even the devil himself finds things funny. Such as letting Rowan stumble upon the beautiful Evanora Mikaelson once again. He was the one who let the wolves attack her. Then handed her over to the witches who tortured her. He deserves to die.

However, Hayley strictly instructed her to not kill either Rowan or Oliver. The two brothers belong to her pack. Load of bullshit if you ask Evanora. But she doesn't want to piss off the hybrid.

"Hello," Her voice is calm and collected. It startles the werewolf. "Hey, Evanora." He shuffles from the doorway over to where she is. She leans against the wall, coated in blood from her previous kills. "Look, I didn't want the ring in the first place. But Oliver handed it to me and told me I would stop shifting so I took it."

"Just hand it over, pretty boy. And I won't have to rearrange that pretty face of yours." She offhandedly flirts.

Surprisingly he complies, then runs off.

Evanora looks down at her hand holding 3 shiny rings. And who said she wasn't a team player?


Evanora and Davina walk down Bourbon street together, fully enjoying each other's company. "Oh, I want to make some trades today." Davina holds up her vinyls and points to the shop across the street. The blonde simply smiles and nods as both of them cross the bustling street of New Orleans.

Davina clutches onto her backpack as she steps onto the pavement, heart sinking as she sees the bright red sign that reads 'closed'.

"Maybe another day?" Evanora asks as she already has in mind to head to the shop with all the pretty dresses she had seen on her birthday. Maybe the weird woman with the ability to tell when it is someone's birthday will not be there.

"Wow, this sucks." A voice drawls from behind both the witch and the vampire. "No trades today. I mean, worse for you of course. Guy had the market cornered on the ancient Icelandic folk scene." Evanora immediately widens her eyes at the guy, recognizing him from her birthday.

Davina laughs at his joke and the blonde purses her lips. Her normal protective feelings of Davina have simply washed away. It is like she is just a friend now, and not someone she needs to take care of.


"Those weren't for me," Evanora puzzles as she tries to think of any of Davina's friends that would be into that sort of thing. But she doesn't find any. Maybe she met someone new and just hasn't told her about it.

"I'm Kaleb," He extends his hand to Davina who replies with her name then gives Evanora's as well. "Cool names. I met you a couple months ago. My sister really liked what you picked out." This makes the blonde even more confused. Kaleb disappeared before she could even show him something.

"Well, we must go. Nice to meet you officially, Kaleb." Evanora tuts, not trusting this guy one bit. As both the witch and the vampire walk off, Davina grins once again. "He seemed nice."

The blonde scowls and turns her head to see him watching the two walk off. "I don't trust him."


"Did she buy it?" Cassie asks Vincent as the two speak over the table before them. "Entirely. The humans are weak. Their bodies are so strange. I've forgotten what it feels like to be this vulnerable."

"At least you're not stuck in the body of a teenager." She, Esther Mikaelson, counterclaims to Vincent, also known as Finn Mikaelson. "Well, I love my body, mother. I'm pretty sure Davina Claire does, too." Kaleb, Kol Mikaelson, grins as he joins his mother and brother by the table.

Esther scoffs. "Don't be puerile. We have work to do. Your brothers and sister did me a favor by killing Francesca. Now I will control the witches and the werewolves. With the vampires in exile, we can begin to take root in our new home. Finn, Kol. Let's get to work. We have a family reunion to plan."


Me? Updating? Oh, wowww!!!

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now