07 heart of darkness

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A multitude of sounds ring through her ears as she watches her brother and the human. The two twins made their way to Denver and instantly found Jeremy Gilbert. They charmed their ways into his good graces and the three immediately became friends.

"Hey, Nora! Do you want to try?" Jeremy motions to the aluminum bat. The three have spent their time in the batting cages recently. Evanora will admit that the human is entertaining. His brown eyes will widen up with excitement if either twin agrees to do something with him.

He has sometimes managed to flirt with her occasionally, but immediately gets whacked in the head by Kol.

"Uh..." She looks at her twin who shrugs slightly. His hand wrapped firmly around the baseball bat. "Sure. Why not?" The blonde gets up from her seat behind the protective netting and makes her way through the cages.

The sport doesn't seem too complicated for her. You just have to hit the ball with the bat. Right? She has never paid any mind to the sports her brothers found interesting over the years. There are just too many rules for her to memorize.

Kol hands her a bat and she feels the cool aluminum on her skin. "Okay, you need to wrap your hands like this," Jeremy demonstrates from his far away position. She almost scoffs at his lack of confidence in her playing this sport. Nonetheless, she does as he tells her and gets into position.

The two males were playing with a pitching machine just like she is now. The clicking sound rings in her ears and she tightens her grip on the bat. Suddenly, the hall charges at her and she does what she feels is natural. She swings.

The ball and metal hit together and causes a loud noise to form. Much louder than anyone else playing. "Damn, Nora!" Jeremy chuckles and walks over to her with a lazy grin. Her twin walks over to the pitching machine and turns it off. "You're a natural." She smiles at him with her dimples showing.

"Sister, may I speak with you? In private?" Kol asks and eyes the Gilbert boy who nods as he takes the hint. The two twins walk over to where the human can't see them, nor hear them. "What is it, Kol?" Her voice is annoyed and tired.

It has been exhausting pretending to be someone she isn't. With everything in her life going sideways, she just wants a moment of peace. Her brother dying, mother betraying her children, knowing there are weapons from the only tree that could kill her.

"I saw a certain doppelgänger and Salvatore brother outside." She clicks her tongue and hums slightly. "I am impressed with your first experience of baseball, however." The two chuckle slightly while she peaks her head around the corner to see Jeremy with Elena and Damon.

"Well, what can I say? I learned from the best." She teases and motions for him to follow her.

They both walk with their bats in hand. Kol with wooden and Evanora with aluminum. "Can we do this later? My friends just got back. And yes, Damon, I actually have some. I'll call you when I'm done." Jeremy kisses his sister's cheek and walks over to the twins.

"Nora, you want to go again or do you want Kol to go?" He asks her and walks over to grab his bat again. Not at all expecting what the twins would do next. "Damon, it's Kol and Nora!" Elena warns and backs up in fear. The Salvatore vampire turns around slowly and is greeted by one twin hitting him from the front, and the other from behind him.

He groans out in pain and drops to the ground. Jeremy lets out a gasp and walks forward slowly. "What the hell are you two doing?" "Jeremy, get back, they're originals!" His sister warns and he looks at the twins in shock.

Evanora smirks and nods, while Kol walks over to collect a different bat. "No hard feelings, mate. But we're not buds."

"And I am not interested."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now