05 mother knows best

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Evanora sits quietly as she watches Rebekah from afar. Her sister has her phone out facing Elena. The eldest sister sits on a rock while picking at the chipped nail polish on her fingernails.

"All right, love. Now look into the camera." At least one of them knows how to work one of those blasted creations, she thinks as she watches Rebekah with the phone.

"What are you doing?" Elena asks timidly. "Shooting your picture to inspire your boyfriends. Why don't you tell them how delightful it is being stuck in a hole with your biggest fan?" Rebekah's words are sarcastic and cruel, which almost makes her sister giggle.

The human sighs before looking at the vampire. "I guess you think I had this coming, huh..." Her sister puts her phone down to her side and listens to the words of the girl she hates the most. "After what I did to you."

"You know, I don't know what I want more, to find out we're saved or to find out it's alright to kill you."

"This isn't my fault..." Elena begins but is interrupted by the laughter of a different vampire. "It is indeed your fault, Elena. If you never gave our mother your blood, you wouldn't be down here. And do not pull the 'Klaus' card I have heard you love so much. It is not that hard to donate a few pints of blood for him. Now sit down and shut up. Or at least run so Rebekah can kill you." Evanora spits cruelly with a curled lip. She has stalked over to Elena from her previous spot and has pinned her by her throat.

Her hands give one last squeeze before she drops the girl, who gasps loudly for air. The vampire stands above her, looking down at her as if she is a piece of scum on her shoe.

Over the years, she has developed a certain dislike for humans. She likes to believe she is better than the prey she uses to survive. It helps her not to think about how many she has killed.

It bothered her at first, the taking of the first life she ever had. As the years went by, and more bodies piled up from her hands, she lost her empathy for it.

Rebekah smirks as she watches the doppelgänger get back to the rock she sat on previously. The twin Mikaelson walks over to her sister with a grin. The two of them watch Elena with careful eyes. Both prepared to strike if she was to try anything.

Then the feeling came. The feeling of being daggered. The struggle to breathe and feeling your skin tighten up. Evanora gasps and attempts to find where the source of the pain comes from. Rebekah drops first and then so does she.

Elena Gilbert runs as she sees both vampires drop. Not expecting them both to wake soon. The gray fades from her body and she shoots up with a gasp. "Bloody hell!" She curses and looks at her sister who is breathing hard as well.

Rebekah looks up and sees that Elena is no longer there. "Well, the doppelgänger will die tonight. You go that way, I'll go this way. Remember, she is mine." Evanora nods and holds the urge to roll her eyes.

She speeds down the tunnel in search of the human girl. Similar cold, gray walls are at her every turn. "You can't hide, Elena! Not sure why I'm feeling under the weather. Must be your boys trying to find a loophole. Won't matter. I could chase you down on my worst day." Rebekah taunts and her sister smirks.

"Not if I get to her first." She whispers and runs through the tunnels. A clearing comes ahead with a coffin in the center. She stops and walks forward slowly.

The sound of running footsteps causes her to turn around and grab the doppelgänger. Elena squeals and squirms her way out of the girl's grasp. Rebekah runs up and attempts to grab the girl as well. The human head butts Evanora in the nose and does the same to her sister once she grabs her.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now