13 my sister, eva

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He watches from the kitchen as his twin cries in the barrier created by Bonnie Bennett. She brings her hand up to the invisible wall and attempts to reach out to his body.

"Eva, it's okay I'm right here!" He shouts and waits for her to look up at him. But she doesn't.

Instead, she cries harder. Klaus cautiously walks over to her. She sits on the floor, knees drawn to her chest rocking herself back and forth. The older brother places a hand on her shoulder. "He's dead, Nik. He's not coming back..."

Kol furrows his brows and looks down at himself. He flips his palms over to inspect them, then runs his hands down his chest in search of a wound, finding none. "Funny trick, sister. I am not dead." He scoffs and rolls his eyes.

Then he looks down.

His mouth becomes dry and he blinks a few times. He bends down and opens his mouth in shock. His body lay in front of him, burnt to a crisp.

"Bloody hell," Kol whispers and looks up with tears in his eyes at his twin. Her face is bright red and her eyes are puffy. Klaus stands above her crying as well.

If it were any other situation, he would laugh at Klaus for crying. But he can't help but cry as well. "I'm dead..." He whispers and stands up.

"I need to leave this bloody house, I can't be here with him like this." Evanora shakes her head in panic. She feels her chest tighten up and the room spins for her. Kol instantly knows she is having a panic attack and runs over to his twin.

Klaus tilts his head and bends down to sit with her. He notices her trembling body and how she sweats profusely. "Eva, breathe. It's going to be okay. I promise." Her twin attempts to soothe but is not able to be heard by her.

"Eva, look at me." The hybrid whispers in worry as he sees her breathe heavily. He repeats her name over and over and shakes her, but it's no use. "Evanora Mikaelson, look at me." He begs and closes his eyes for a moment.

"Turn her around, Nik. Don't let her see me like this." Kol pleads and walks over to his twin to place a hand on her shoulder. She lets out shaky unpredictable breaths and looks around in alarm.

A voice clicks in the hybrid's head and he leans forward and turns her around gently. Kol smiles sadly as he watches the older brother take his spot of calming the blonde. She hiccups and closes her eyes, burying her head in Klaus' chest.

"He's gone Nik..."


Kol Mikaelson sits on the unmade bed and sadly watches his twin destroy her room in frustration. She has gotten worse as the days progress. Realization has set in and now she is lost. The one person who has never left her side is gone.

He has cried many times through the short period of time. Crying because of knowing he will never be able to talk to her again. Knowing he lost his best friend due to a silly vampire and hunter.

"You promised..." She hoarsely whispers and he drops his head in shame. He knows exactly what she is talking about. The promise they made all those year ago when they were both thirteen, to never leave each other's side.

He stands up to join her side, even if she cannot see him. He will be there for her always and forever. "Eva, I'm here. If only you could see me." He mumbles and bends down to attempt to move something to catch her attention.

His hand runs through the broken painting of all the Mikaelson siblings. The twin had watched her throw it in heartbreak from the wall and drag scissors through the canvas material. He curses and attempts more to push the painting, but he can't.

"I didn't get to say goodbye..." She whimpers and he stands up and hugs her. She cannot feel it but he does it anyway. "I know you would have, sister."

The twin watches her walk over to a small picture of the two of them. He instantly remembers it was one of the few they took on their trip to Denver. Although he kept the majority of them, he did spare her the best ones.

In this picture, she sits in the passenger seat while he is in the driver seat. She smiles bright, her cheeks are pink, eyes closed in happiness. Evanora drags a finger across the glass covering of her face and then looks at Kol in the picture. His head is tilted upwards and he has a toothy grin on display. His eyes are closed as well, just like hers.

Kol stands beside her looking at the Polaroid as well. That was a good day. But now they won't have any more good days. She drops the frame and glass breaks and shards explode over her feet. He looks down and sees her bare feet start to bleed.

"Eva, don't let this ruin you."


The next few days, Kol attempted to understand his new way of life on the other side. All while watching his twin mourn his death. She has taken it harder than the others who have cried and moved along.

Klaus has stopped by her room to check upon her. She doesn't say much to anyone. No matter who it is. The blonde has starved herself from blood, skin a sickly gray and eyes sunken in.

She looks as dull as she does in her coffin.

Kol sits in the antique chair in the corner of the room. The hybrid ordered a maid to clean the mess while Evanora slept. She sits on the bed with her phone pressed to her ear.

"Hello, it's Kol. Leave a message but I will most likely not get back to you." She hangs up the phone as soon as the message plays. His voice soothes her enough to stop the tears again.

Then, Evanora sits up straight and flings the pink device onto the mattress. Her twin furrows his brows together and straightens up as well. The blonde grits her teeth and darkens her face.

"She will die. She has to." She speaks to no one in particular. Not caring at all if she looks crazy. Kol smiles faintly at her.

"You do just that, Eva."


This one is short but the next chapter is longer 😉

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