36 that one is the funniest

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Evanora extends her palm forward and allows him to place a pork rind in her hand. "Care to explain why you killed all of your siblings?" She brings the food to her nose to sniff it, and then crinkles her face up in disgust.

"Hello, not everyone died. I had a soft spot for my sisters, Jo. I mean if I didn't I would've cut out her lungs instead of her spleen." The Original watches as he shovels a handful of pork rinds into his mouth. She does the same with her singular chip and immediately gags.

She rushes over to the nearest trash can and spits it out. "That tastes like burnt pig's behind." She mumbles and stands up straight.

"So you are cool with me killing my siblings, but not pork rinds? Man, you're weird."

"I do not shame others for killing people; I do it to survive. I do, however, shame those who eat that monstrosity. That is a bloody disgrace to mankind."

Kai watches with full amusement as Evanora rants about how disgusting his choice of food is. Her accent pushes forth, becoming more prominent as she speaks loudly. He thinks she's adorable.

"Stop staring at me you incessant bastard," She glowers at him. Her eyes cut like daggers towards the siphoner. "Hey, I never get guests as pretty as you, I can't help but stare." He holds his hands up in mock defense, also adding a subtle wink at the end.

She huffs and feels her cheeks turn pink. Kai smirks in satisfaction as he notices the tips of her ears blush crimson.

"So how many siblings do you have?" He asks as he shoves another handful of pork rinds into his mouth. The Original begins to lay her fingers out as she counts off the amount of people in her family. "Seven. Only five of them were turned into vampires, alongside myself."

Kai leans back, pressing himself against the bar wall. "What happened to the other two?" Evanora clenches her jaw, inhaling sharply. She never met Freya, but she did meet Henrik. And she loved her younger brother.

"The eldest died, and the youngest died from a werewolf mauling." She states almost animatronic like. "Oh. Well I had seven as well. I killed the majority of them." He finishes with a giggle, watching her eyes light up in confusion.

"I hung Hannah and Chris off the stairwell balcony, put a hunting knife in Shelby's abdomen, and drowned Joey in the pool. Little bastard kept trying to fight me, and I was like, 'I saved you for last, you ungrateful little..'"

Evanora bites her lip as she watches Kai ramble on about how he killed his coven. He seems overjoyed about speaking of his actions. That is what confuses her.

Sure, she enjoys telling tales of how she has strung one's insides down several pavements for the enjoyment of it. But, other people do not tend to have that same interest.

"Anyways, that was that. I hated my siblings, but I imagine you like yours better." The room turns silent, air hangs thick as she says nothing.

"I despise them and love them. Isn't that what family is after all? Poster board of chaotic family, and I want to rid myself of them the majority of the time." She sighs and lays her head on the wooden bar. Eyes transfixed onto his ugly cargo jacket.

She really does hate his fashion taste.

"But, I couldn't imagine living a life without them."

Kai pushes himself off of the wall, and bends down to come to her eye level. "What if you didn't have to go back to them?"

She tilts her head in childlike confusion as she places her chin on her flattened palms. "What if you stayed here with me?" This makes her laugh. Loudly.

Evanora throws her head back to laugh at him. What a ridiculous idea. "Me, stay here? You rightfully are funny, Kai Parker." Her words come out in sputters as she giggles.

But Kai doesn't laugh.

He wants her with him. She can't get him out most likely, but getting her here would probably be easier. And to think she is laughing at his idea, that makes him angry.

"What if I killed you?" He thinks mainly to himself, raucous laughter immediately following once more. "You kill me? Again, Kai Parker. You are so funny. That's hilarious, that one is the funniest." She scrunches her nose as she giggles.

He dismisses the shiver he feels as she speaks his name, irritability overshadowing those feelings. "I could kill you," He begins and stands up tall, trailing over to where she sits.

She seems unfazed by his actions, that makes him worse. His temper flares as he nears her, hands shaking from just how angry he is. "Where's the fun in that? Besides," Evanora stands up and uses her vampire speed to push him up against the wall.

She boxes him in with her arms, just like how he did to her.

"I'm an Original, I can't be killed."


A loud knock sends Evanora falling to the floor. Her body thumps against the hardwood, the sound echoing throughout the home.

"Evanora!" Marcel yells as he bangs his fist against the wooden door. She grumbles and forces her eyes open, wiping away the thickness of sleep. The Original pushes herself up off of the floor and stumbles to the door.

"Evanora! I swear if you don't open this door-" But Marcel's persistent knocking plan soon fails when the door flings open and his fist collides with her face.

The snapping of her nose rings through both their ears, and she immediately brings her hands to cup her nose. Blood trickles down into her palms as Marcel stands in shock, hand still clamped together in a fist.

"I'm so sorry, Nora. I-" He stutters as she holds a finger out to shush him. He cringes as he hears her snap her nose back into place, she does as well.

Wiping the blood off of her palms, she leans against the doorframe waiting for him to explain why he is here. He sighs and notices how terrible she looks.

Disheveled hair, cut clothing, and smeared makeup. She looks as if she was dragged from Bourbon Street to her house by her hair.

"I think I know why you had that thing about Davina. May I come in?"

Had. She frowns at the word but agrees for him to enter, opening the door for him to slink past her.

He has only ever been to her house once before, that was when she was proudly boasting her home to her family. He just so happened to be there.

"So, I spent this morning asking the witches who would talk to me about a hypothetical question. What if one person felt like they needed to protect someone at all times? I explained your situation but made it out to be like me instead." He explains with a wave of his hand as he sits down on the sofa.

She trails over to him to sit on the opposite side of the couch. "It seems that Davina was one of your siblings' soulmates. But, it wasn't Klaus, Elijah, nor Rebekah."

Evanora raises an eyebrow and clasps her hands together. "So she was either Finn or Kol's soulmate." He finishes and waits for her reply.

"She was Kol's," Is all she mumbles as she sighs. "I felt him when she was in trouble. It's funny how he seems to be with me constantly."

"Well, now we know."


All of the Originals seasons being put back on Netflix >>>

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