09 after school special

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"Rebekah needs us," Kol's bored tone fills her ears while she sighs loudly. "Why?" Evanora fiddles with her piece of paper she had been folding. Scarlett remembered her hobby of origami and began to bring her supplies to keep herself busy.

The original has had many hobbies over the many years. However, everytime she would successfully master the hobby, she would be daggered. Then when she awoke, she couldn't find the materials for the hobby. Except for origami.

The art of folding paper.

She made her own paper for the longest time. Folding it into different shapes and creating animals from the folds. It is something she finds relaxing and never will leave.

"Something in Mystic Falls. She asked me to retrieve a certain professor. But I am not returning to that hellish place without my favorite sister." She snorts at the comment and places the paper onto the coffee table.

"How fast can you make it to Mystic Falls?"


Both twins sit in Evanora's red car, eyeing the place of where Rebekah said Professor Shane would be. "We get in, get out. Take him to Rebekah. Seems easy." Kol lists off the plan and turns to his twin. "Let's just get this over with."

She gets out of the car first and shuts the door with a slam. "What's the matter with you?" His cheery voice almost makes a smile form across her face. She joins him on his side of the car.

"I just have a bad feeling."

He scoffs and slings his arm across her shoulder. "Nonsense, Eva! We will get this bloody Professor and go on our merry way out of this town." They both walk side by side on the concrete walkway. She looks down at his attire and chuckles. He wears a thick olive green coat with a patterned button down shirt. "What's so funny?" He demands and opens the door for her.

"You look ridiculous," Evanora grins and pushes his arm lightly as they enter the lobby of the building. He scowls and walks to the receptionist. A polite smile graces his lips and he watches the woman smile back.

A woman with dark skin sits behind the desk. Her black hair is tied tightly into beautiful braids, and lays on her shoulders. Kol leans against the wooden ledge above the desk.  "Hello, I am looking for Professor Shane. May I ask where he is?" The woman giggles and Evanora rolls her eyes.

"He's in his office, here." She doesn't break eye contact with Kol and writes the office number on a sticky note. She hands him the paper and he grins at her. "Thank you, darling. And one more thing," His brown eyes dilate as he begins the compulsion.

His twin watches from a distance at the scene. "Which one of us has the better outfit?" With a monotone voice, the lady wastes no time with her reply. "She does." He angrily huffs and looks at his sister's attire.

She wears a long sleeve tight fitted black shirt. Paired with dusty orange, corduroy pants. She stands slightly taller than she normally is due to her cream colored heels. Her hair is down and semi-straightened with her bangs framing her face perfectly. She wears a pair of silver dangling star earrings, as well as a matching necklace.

"Good day." Kol snarks and stomps towards the elevator, Evanora snickers and follows after him. "I have half the mind of letting you take the stairs." His hands move as he talks while hers are clasped behind her back.

"But you wouldn't do that to your favorite sister," She teases and pinches his arm lightly. They stop at the elevator and freeze. "Where is the elevator man?" She looks around in hopes of finding the man. "I think they are no longer of service." He teases and presses the button for the elevator.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now