08 scarlett & the king of new orleans

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A baby cries and the mother shushes it instantly. Her pleads for it to be quiet are simply ignored. Evanora watches from a park bench at the mother and her baby. It is interesting, children.

Of course she has never been around any to know if she truly likes them or not. She and Rebekah have had disagreements when it comes to infants. Her sister has always wanted a family, plenty of children, and a husband to dote upon her. While Evanora is different.

Marriage is a fickle thing and why would she want children if she is not meant to have any? Vampirism is a clear sign of it.

She and Kol split up for a little bit. He wanted to go East while she wanted to go South. Back to New Orleans. It is the only place she has ever been able to truly call home for a long time.

Now, she sits on a bench on Bourbon Street watching the people. Crazy, drunken fools run amuck and she laughs at their foolishness.

"Is that who I think it is?" A sweet familiar voices makes her turn around in an instant. A woman with bright auburn hair grins as she sees the original. Evanora gasps and rushes forward to engulf the woman in a hug.

Scarlett McLennon, a bright woman who used to be her past lover. Before 1914, the two of them were in a passionate whirlwind romance. Scarlett was attracted to the darkness that the original provided.

"How are you still alive?" The last time she saw her was before the Mikaelson Christmas party. And Scarlett was human. The auburn haired woman scoffs and tilts her head down with a sad smile. "Marcel found me crying about your daggering. He said that you didn't deserve my tears and snapped my neck. Thankfully, you had given me some of your blood from that nasty wound I had." Her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she feels her past lover's eyes on her.

Even after all these years, she still feels that gravitational pull she has experienced time and time again. Evanora steps forward and brushes a hand on the woman's cheek. Scarlett shudders and blushes crimson. She steps back slightly causing the original to frown.

"You found someone, didn't you?" Her voice is light and airy. The younger vampire only nods once. Evanora grins and gives the woman a tight hug. Scarlett hugs back in surprise, truly not expecting a hug. "You're not mad?" She asks hesitantly.

After spending time with the Mikaelson family, she knows they like to trick you into all sorts of twisted ideas. This could be a hug where the original rips out her heart.

The blonde vampire laughs and let's go of her. A breath of relief escapes her lips. "Scar, it's been 100 years. If you did not move on I would be worried. Now, would you like to show me the new New Orleans?"

Both of them walk the streets of New Orleans with bright smiles. Scarlett shows her the new shops, explains the new things that have happened over the years. Such as Marcel taking over and 'ruling' New Orleans.

"So he's in charge of almost everything now?" Evanora asks and takes a sip of her milkshake. They sit at a local cafe with their respective milkshakes. The blonde with vanilla and the auburn with a strawberry. Scarlett sighs and looks off to the side. An old abandoned house that used to house the witch friends she had sits lamely. Its paint peels and windows clack as the wind blows.

Marcel drove the witches to the quarters, leaving Scarlett alone once more. "He rules with an iron fist. It's torture. Our friends are hiding from it. He put a limit on the ability to perform magic." Evanora gasps and her hazel eyes widen.

Blair, Dorthea, Willa, and Eudora, were the witches that the original sought comfort from. She didn't use them for their powers. She wanted friendship, to create peace between vampires and witches. So she started with the most powerful, open minded group.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now