22 saints and sinners

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Evanora sits on Davina's bed and stares out the window of the attic. The witch left some time ago, dusk falling upon the city of New Orleans. Vampires of all shapes and colors without daylight rings, will be roaming the streets soon. She watches people pass by with smiles on their faces, some wear scowls, and others blank expressions.

The vampire considers the option of leaving. Taking her brother's body from the coffin and heading out the door. But, she has gained some trust with the Claire witch, and promised she wouldn't leave.

Evanora takes her respect for promises greatly. It is one of the things she and Kol took seriously. She holds her end of the deal like Elijah does. If she left the attic, she would be breaking the promise.

And she doesn't want to ever break a promise.

The mere idea of it brings such dread into her body. Her stomach churns at the thought of doing something like that. Instead, she sits on the canopy bed tracing patterns on the bedside table.

Pink hues soon fade to navy blue and the night sky covers the bustling town of New Orleans like a blanket. The moon shines brightly into the small window, illuminating the hardwood flooring.

Evanora looks up at the sound of the floor creaking and door opening. There, she sees her sister in all her glory. Her blonde hair is pulled back from her face into a half-up-half-down hairstyle. She wears a brown leather jacket and complimentary colored sleeveless tank top. Her neck is adorned with a chunky antique necklace. She wears dark skinny jeans and thick black heels.

"Eva!" She cries with joy and attempts to walk into the bedroom, but is stopped by an invisible barrier once more. "Bekah, you can't be here..." Evanora warns slowly. The Mikaelson girl holds her head up weakly and looks to her sister.

Rebekah notices how ill the elder sister looks. Her skin is twinged a sickly gray, her eyes droop down at the corners, and her mouth is rimmed with a thin white line. She needs blood and fast.

"Nonsense. Grab Elijah and we will get some blood in both your systems, then be on our merry way." Evanora scoffs and lets her head fall forward. "I made a promise to not leave, nor try anything in exchange of being released from an immobilizing spell."

All the Mikaelson siblings know of how seriously she takes promises and how Elijah does as well. They cannot help it, it's in their nature. Although they share different ideas of morality, they both are what makes the Mikaelsons such good siblings. His do-good behavior and her compassion for only her family, contrast beautifully to Rebekah and Klaus' traits the others do not share.

Suddenly, Elijah's eyes snap open and he stares at Rebekah. Whisking her away into a memory only they share, leaving Evanora absolutely clueless as they begin to talk. She watches her sister talk to what seems like no one in particular, but she knows it is Elijah after a moment. "I promise to return for you both." Rebekah sadly smiles and her sister nods.

The next hours pass by in a blur for the Mikaelson. Then she hears someone run up the set of stairs. In rushes Davina with tears in her eyes. She carries a broken violin and stomps over to the table beside Evanora.

"What happened?" The vampire asks worriedly. She turns her body away from the window to look at the witch who sobs. "Your brother is a fucking prick." Evanora stands up carefully to walk over to Davina. "I apologize for his actions." She mumbles and looks down at her shoes.

"Why? You didn't do it." Her voice is small and she eyes the broken violin sadly. Tears prick her eyes making her blink to ease the pain. She then looks at Evanora and notices how sickly gray she looks.

Not as bad as Elijah, but enough to cause concern.

A loud clatter in the room causes both females to turn. Something shuts loudly and the Mikaelson knows exactly what it is. Her brother. Davina walks to the coffin carefully. Her white dress swishes as she steps closer.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now