40 le grand guignol

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"She's awake! She's awake!" The cheerful voices of Blair and Willa bounces off the cream colored walls as Evanora cracks her eyes open. A rush of light hits her and she groans in pain. Her body feels heavy and weak.

"Don't move, Nora." The soft voice of Dorthea chimes as she places a cool hand against Evanora's hot head. The sickness of the werewolf bites still hasn't faded. With Klaus sick, there's no cure until Evanora can fight it off.

Elijah had dropped his sister off into the care of the four witches. They all gasped at the state of their favorite Original. Battered and bruised, caked in blood. She looked horrible.

With the power of the witches together, they cleaned her up and placed her under a special remedy. One to ease the pain of the bites and simmer down the fever.

"Where's Rebekah?" The brunette whispers and looks around for her sister. She isn't mad anymore, slightly hurt, but not mad. Perhaps it is something the witches have done.

"Long gone, I'm afraid." The raven haired witch hums to herself as she helps Evanora stand up. The world rushes towards her and makes her stumble back. "Careful now. The venom is still in your system at the moment. It should go away in a few hours."

She places a soft hand on her shoulder and helps guide the Original to the kitchen. The brunette vampire turns her head slightly to the left and quickly stops. She stares in confusion, tilted head with furrowed brows. Staring back at her is her twin brother, Kol.

A crooked grin extending from ear to ear. Eyes narrowed into cat-like slits. He doesn't look like himself, however. His skin is too ghastly pale, eyes not as bright, and the unmistakable white oak stake protrudes from his chest.

Evanora stumbles back and is caught by Dorthea who gives her a worried look. "Don't you see him? It's Kol!" She frantically points while keeping eye contact. But when the witch turns to look she doesn't see anything.

"Nora, there's nothing there. He's not here."

Sure enough, the corner he once stood in is vacant. No trace of the Original Twin.

Her heart aches in pain as she nods her head and continues to stumble forward. The venom encases her broken heart, creating fabricated hallucinations of what she wants to see. What she needs to see.

She needs her brother.

But death ripped him away from her like a mother taking a toy away from a child. The unfairness and sadness of it all. Losing your favorite thing because someone didn't want you to have it.

She can see him out of the corner of her eye when she enters the kitchen. A flash of honey blonde hair zips through the room and instantly wraps the vampire into a hug. "I thought you were a goner," Blair jokes with a grin.

Evanora chuckles and shakes her head as a reply. She steps carefully over to the round table. Five chairs with different frames are messily placed around the wooden table. Everyone has their own chair. Simple rule of their house, everyone has their own things. Including Evanora.

Her chair is a dark stained wooden chair. It has simple vine carvings flushed together on the handles. It snakes up to the back of the chair and outlines a large letter E.


"I am not so easily disposed of," The vampire winks and smiles brightly through the pain. "Drink this," Eudora swoops by, placing a yellow mug on the table. With steam rolling off the top into the air, Evanora looks back to see the motherly witch grinning.

"You should be better in no time, my girl." She winks, and disappears around the corner. The vampire cannot help but feel loved by the four witches she can proudly call hers.

Her family.


A special concoction and one too many margaritas, leads to Evanora Mikaelson stumbling down the street. Intoxicating giggles erupt from her mouth as she watches a man rush past her carrying something white and large.

Her gray tennis shoes continue to step on cracks, followed by the occasional, "Her back deserves to break." The brunette shoves her exposed hands into her black long sleeves.

Willa kindly donated a change of clothes for the Original, who practically wore rags. Her sparkly dress now lay in the trash, sadly. Now, she wears all black and the comfiest pair of shoes.

A metallic scent hits her nose slowly, it twitches in response. She stops immediately and feels the veins snake out under her eyes.


She giggles once more and begins to run. Hair flying, breath erratic, but she doesn't care. She's never felt more free in her life. Perhaps it is post werewolf venom? Or maybe it's that concoction.

Whatever it is brings her to a body that lay on a pile of leaves. Inky black curls fall over the woman's face, but Evanora knows exactly who it is. She can tell just by the stench of magic.



Whoever she is.

"Good bloody riddance." She states proudly with a nod of her head. Her palms begin to sweat as she turns to see her brother leaving a crypt. Elijah walks proudly, as usual. But this time, he carries a knife in his hands. A knife soaked in blood.

Curiosity gets the best of her. She enters the cemetery. completely unaware of the boundary spell placed. The Original giggles quietly and sneaks through the cement stones.

She smiles in satisfaction as she sees her older brother in front of her, back turned.

"'Lijah!" She yells to get his attention. The Mikaelson slowly turns and opens his mouth. But then Rebekah appears. She calls his name with a saddened expression.

Her blue eyes are watered over. A face that has seen a thousand heartbreaks, calls out to her older brother who gawks at her arrival.

Then he remembers who exactly was after the youngest last night. He turns back to see Evanora grinning happily at her sister. Just like yesterday never even happened.

"Sister! I do forgive you!" The brunette yells and nods enthusiastically. It is like she is on a sugar high in the middle of a funeral.

"What are you doing here? Rebekah, you should be on the other side of the world by now."

"You and I both know that wouldn't be far enough." She whimpers and Evanora feels herself completely sober up.

What is happening?

She frowns instantly; she is always left out of the loop.

"Get away from her!" The voice belonging to Klaus, screams loudly. The three siblings look at the hybrid who practically shakes in anger. The crisp air fogs up at every heave of his chest. His knuckles turn practically white around the weapon he possesses.

The weapon...

He holds the white oak stake in his hand, fully prepared to kill Rebekah. Evanora watches her brother's eyes turn golden and the veins protrude under his eyes.Elijah hisses from behind her, as well as Rebekah. Her own fangs elongate and her eyes darken.

Three Mikaelsons stand against the other, ultimately trapped until the next moonrise.

What could go wrong?


My beloved witches 🥰

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now