17 strange news

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Bourbon Street.

The heart of the French Quarter, notorious place for visitors or residents to party, and Evanora Mikaelson's favorite place.

Bodies of humans and supernatural creatures press together as they dance to a rhythmic tune. Blissfully unaware of the original who dances along with them. The now brunette girl throws her head back and lets a stranger kiss down her neck and onto her collar bone.

She doesn't care who she is, only wanting to feel something to ease her mind. They sway back and forth as Evanora grinds against the girl. All she wants is to forget the world and everything in it. But that moment of forgetting the world is lost once she feels a buzzing in her back pocket.

Evanora quickly apologizes to the human who she now notices as a tall Colombian girl. Her dark hair is pulled into a sleek ponytail decorated with rhinestones. Her eyes are a deep chocolate brown which is accentuated with baby blue eyeshadow. The girl smiles slyly and waves goodbye to the vampire and slips into the crowd.


She shakes the thought and answers the constantly buzzing phone. "Hello?" She steps away from the loud noise and brings a slim finger and presses it against her ear.

Rebekah Mikaelson huffs on the other line, clearly not impressed by her sister's ability to answer a phone call. "Where are you? I need you to meet me in New Orleans. I fear something has happened to Elijah."

Evanora smirks and walks towards a building wall to lean against the hard brick. It pokes at her through her dark clothes, but she doesn't mind. She wears a black sleeveless dress with silver rhinestones embedded in the fabric. It stops mid thigh and is paired with black platform boots. Over the dress she has a jacket that is black and the top and green at the bottom.

"Why should I meet you to bother with the brother who has aided in daggering me plenty of times in the past? He has never cared to assist me by removing a dagger from my chest." She scoffs and leans forward to drag her fingers through the ends of her hair that falls in front of her face.

The youngest Mikaelson scoffs and clicks her tongue in annoyance. "You're in New Orleans already, aren't you? Just meet me at the address I'm about to text you." She doesn't wait for her sister's reply and promptly hangs up.

Of course she is never able to have any moment's peace without a family squabble. The pink phone dings once and she looks down at the text Rebekah sent. She groans and pushes herself off the brick wall to walk down the street alone.

Fewer people stray away from the crowd who do not give her a second glance. All those years ago, when she lived here with her family, people would do anything to catch her gaze. Now they could care less.

She hates that.

She thrived knowing she was someone people looked up to no matter what she did. Now people hate her and think she's a monster. Not that she minds, people have their own opinions. But it hurts her deep down.

A man follows her from a distance, a young vampire who obeys Marcel Gerard with no complaints. He fishes into his jean pockets for his phone and looks down for a moment. When he looks up, Evanora is gone.

He looks around in confusion with furrowed bleached brows. His baby blue eyes scan the street for the Original. All he wants is to please Marcel. The young vampire huffs and dials him anyway, knowing that the elder vampire will be upset he had let Evanora get away.

"Mitchell, how's it going?" Marcel draws from the other line with a smile. Mitchell purses his downturned lips together and runs his empty hand through his bleached blonde hair. "I just saw a certain original... Evanora-"

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now