21 the attic

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"What are you drawing?" Evanora grumbles from where she lays on the floor. Marcel had drug her body to Davina's room and laid her beside Elijah's coffin. The Original has figured out that the witch and vampire came up with a miraculous idea to immobilize her.

To watch her desiccate without blood.

Now, she continues to bother the young witch in hopes of her stopping the spell. "None of your business," Davina huffs and slams her pen down on the sketch pad. She sits with her legs crossed on her canopy bed. Her white cotton dress surrounds her like water compared to the cream colored comforter.

"Oh, but it is my business, when I have no business to attend to otherwise. Therefore, what you do I should be certainly aware of." The brunette Mikaelson snorts from where she lays.

Davina grits her teeth together and stands up abruptly. "Need to use the restroom? I do as well. What do you say you lift that silly spell and we both leave this room?"

Evanora has been in the small room with the Claire witch for over 8 hours. Needless to say, she is annoyed. "No can do. Marcel says you're dangerous so I can't lift the spell."

The vampire rolls her hazel eyes and huffs. The least Marcel could have done is turned her head to the side; she is only able to see the dirty ceiling. "I am dangerous, little witch. It will be even more dangerous for you not to release me from this spell." She warns and the young girl scoffs.

Rebekah and Klaus will come for her. She's sure of it.

"They won't find you here. I erased Rebekah's memory," Davina boasts proudly at the vampire. "You remind me of one of my witch friends. Blair. She couldn't be bothered by the foolish opinions of others. She follows Eudora's guide, only trusting her, Dorthea, and Willa."

"You know Blair?" The young witch chokes out suddenly, peaking Evanora's interest immensely. "I've known her for years. We were close in the early 1900's, before I was daggered, of course. Why?"

The Original and the four witches were indeed close during that time period. As well as Evanora's twin, Kol. They would perform magic for the two siblings who watched in excitement. Kol and Blair had a fling for a while, which Evanora teased them both about.

"It's nothing," Davina dismisses and shakes her head, walking back over to the bed. The Mikaelson huffs and begins to make popping noises with her lips. "Oh my God, what's wrong with you?" The young girl screeches in annoyance.

This amuses the vampire. Any way she can torture someone, whether it be physical or mentally, she fully enjoys it. "I would like to be able to move my body, love. It is rather frustrating to only see this tragedy you call a ceiling."

"Tell you what, what if you take the spell off and I stay here with you? If I become any threat, you may put the spell on once more."

Evanora isn't stupid. She would not try anything with the young witch. "You swear you won't try anything?" Davina asks cautiously. There is something about this Mikaelson that gives her some ease. The feeling like she would never hurt her.

"Swear it upon my mother's bloody grave."


Davina places a card down on the stack and looks up proudly. "Uno," She taunts and Evanora scowls. The vampire looks at her with a curled lip, then back down at her handful of cards.

She grabs the handful of reverse cards she has collected and begins placing them down. "My turn, my turn, my turn, my turn..." She repeats over and over until she only has two cards left.

The witch watches in shock at Evanora as she places down a draw 4. "Uno," The vampire snickers at the witch. "That isn't legal!" Davina cries and throws her cards up as Evanora places a red 0 card down. "Who said that?"

"The uno gods?" The younger girl says with uncertainty. All is silent in the attic as both girls stare at each other. The vampire's hazel eyes search the witch's dark green before a large grin forms on her face. She erupts in a fit of giggles and throws her head back laughing.

She places her hands on the floorboard to steady herself. "Well I won," Evanora smiles proudly. "It seems as if you get lonely here. Perhaps that is why you asked Marcel to keep me here." Davina freezes as she gathers the stack of cards. "How did you..."

"I put the pieces together when he arrived earlier. You have him wrapped tightly around your fingers."

The younger girl looks down at the ground sadly. "You don't seem too horrible." Her voice is soft and timid. Melting the vampire's heart at her tone. Something inside her feels drawn to this witch. The feeling to protect her always. "I am not as bad as they make me out to be, Davina."


The witch and original vampire came to an agreement: Evanora may be released from the spell if she doesn't try anything, and she has to pretend to still be immobilized during Marcel's visits.

Now she lay on the creaky attic floor once more, staring at the horrendous ceiling. Davina and Marcel talk while she listens in. The younger vampire crouches down in front of the chestnut colored coffin to look at Elijah. "Sucker's resilient. He's like a cockroach in a suit."

"Are you one to talk?" Evanora whispers mainly to herself and earns a glare from Marcel. "Doesn't matter. Time to give old Elijah and Evanora back to Klaus anyway."

The witch scoffs from the window she stands at and stalks forward. Her fists are clenched together and taps against her maroon knee length dress. "You asked me to figure out how to kill the originals. I'm not done. Silver dagger hurts them, but that's it." She looks down at Marcel who flicks his gaze towards the brunette Mikaelson.

Evanora knows their idea to kill her and her siblings. She also knows Davina's plan to wipe her memory of this brilliant idea.

"Davina, we've been through this. Klaus saved my life. I owe him one. Since he wants his siblings back-" "Tonight's the annual Dauphine Street Music Festival. I want to go. Please?" The witch begs and the Mikaelson takes this as an opportunity to talk.

"Let her go, Marcellus. She's young, let the youth have their glory." She sniffs and continues to look straight up at the ceiling. She wears the same attire she had when she was with Rebekah. Only to keep Marcel believing she is still under the spell.

If it were up to her, she would be in a different outfit and bathed.

"The whole point of you being up here is so you're never spotted out there. You know what's smack in the middle of Dauphine Street? Sophie Deveraux, pain-in-the-ass witch, and you know what the witch will do to you if they find you." He informs Davina and ignores Evanora's attempt to back the witch up.

Evanora scoffs and rolls her eyes at his stubbornness.

"But you control the witches. Make her go away. Marcel, it's one night." The witch begs and clasps her hands together in front of herself. "I said no," He holds his hands up and walks away from her. "I think it's a swell idea for her to go. I tell you Marcel, it is straining being cooped up in one place constantly. Take my experience as an example."

"I do anything you say, but sometimes I think you forget what I'm capable of." Davina follows after Marcel who grits his teeth at the blabbering Original. He turns around to see the young girl glaring at him as she stalks forward. "Did you know I can make someone's blood boil? All I have to do is focus."

It is quiet for a minute, Evanora huffs as she cannot see what is happening. But the smell of burnt flesh invades her nostrils and she holds back the urge to turn to look.

Sweat pours off of Marcel as he feels his blood boil from the inside. He caves and wipes a hand across his forehead to remove some of the sweat. He looks up at the witch who smirks proudly at her accomplishment. The frown he once wore is replaced by a smile.

"Fine. We compromise, all right? You going out alone too dangerous, but I'll introduce you to a friend of mine that's gonna be there. All right, nice lady. You two are really going to hit it off."

Davina smiles with glee and bounces on her toes. "Could we make that three? I am dying to move my body from this terrible position." Evanora rolls her eyes and curls her lip, waiting for the vampire's response.

"Before you leave, find a way to shut her up."


Yeahhh this one isn't as long as the other one 💀

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now