25 you make my blood boil

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The three supernatural women either lay or sit on the same bed. Two share looks of concern, while the other is sweating profusely. "Stop fussing, will you? Elijah will be here any minute." Rebekah presses a damp cloth to Hayley's chest in an attempt to cool her down.

Evanora sits on the other side of the werewolf, pressing frozen bags of food on her body. A bag of peas on her forehead, bags of carrots on her arms, and bags of corn on her legs.

"I feel like I've been microwaved."

"I hope you enjoy vegetables for dinner, Hayley, because these will be thawed shortly."

The blonde rolls her eyes at the two. "Hey, just because you're carrying a baby doesn't mean you get to act like one. I'm sure my little niece is healing you up as we speak." Hayley smiles as well as Evanora.

The three look over to see Elijah rushing in the room. Both sisters immediately get off of the bed with perplexed looks. Anger boils in Evanora as she sees Sophie Deveraux standing beside her brother. She snatches the bag of corn from Hayley's leg, and chunks it at the witch.

The eldest brother catches it as the witch flinches. He gives her a look as she rolls her eyes.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Rebekah demands, fully in favor of Evanora hurling another bag of frozen food at the witch. "I'm trying to help." Sophie shifts her weight and glances at the Original who jumps forward at her.

God, she really hates this witch.

"Help? You're the reason we're in this bloody mess. Why aren't we unlinked with this witch already, Elijah?" The youngest snarls, while Evanora huffs and stalks over to her brother.

Both the witch and Elijah prepare for the brunette to do something rash, but are simply surprised as she grabs the bag of corn from him. She returns over to Hayley and gently places the bag on her leg once more.

"Let her do what she can."

"I may know a way to slow the fever down, but I'm gonna need some special herbs. I'll text you a list." Sophie informs Rebekah, not looking at the sister who gleefully smiles at the chance to leave from being near the witch.

But, Rebekah isn't the same.

"Fine. Happy to play the fetch girl."

The two leave the room, but Evanora is quickly stopped by Elijah. He places a careful hand on her shoulder and narrows his eyes slightly.

It's the same look she knows is for show.

"I want you to gather your friends and tell them to be prepared to help." He whispers quietly, only for them and Hayley to hear. "Sure," Evanora's voice is soft as she nods and walks off.


A small house resides at the edge of a swamp. Moss covers the sides of the wooden house, its roof has vines strung across it. The windows are tinted gray, while shutters barely cover them. The creaky porch has dark green grass poking through the cracks of the wooden planks.

It looks like a run down, overgrown, abandoned house to others. But Evanora knows it is only a disguise.

She walks up the long wooden bridge, and silently hopes she doesn't fall in the surrounding water. That isn't a disguise. Cypress trees with overhanging moss, touch the still waters. The trees line the river bank surrounding the 'rundown' house.

But then she reaches a certain point on the bridge. A point of where reality shifts and unveils the truth. Where everything you once saw was a mask of something completely different.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now