56 face to face

851 42 2

"That is going to have to stop." Damon sighs as Kai rocks back and forth in his chair, all while crunching away on pork rinds. "Oh, you think this is annoying? Hmm. Try listening to you and Bonnie bicker every 5 minutes."

The vampire narrows his eyes at the siphoner who simply continues to eat. Blissfully in his own world. Technically, this is Kai's world. Damon and Bonnie are just living in it.

"So you've been following us."

"Of course I have. You two are the closest thing I have to a tv. I mean, you're no 'Baywatch,' but- Remember 'Baywatch?'" Damon purses his lips and shakes his head. "No, I do not."

Kai grins and grabs the pork rind from the bag once again. "Oh. Oh, man you got to watch it. You like lifeguards, like hot ones?" He asks and takes a bite of the chip. Although he would never admit it out loud, no 'Baywatch' lifeguards could ever beat the beauty of Evanora Mikaelson.

His mystery woman.

"This has been a monumentally bad day in a sea of bad days, so I'm gonna need to know who you are, what you're doing here, and how it relates to me, or I'm gonna rip your throat out." Damon snarls and Kai simply tuts. "Temper's gonna get you in trouble, Damon. It's already driven Bonnie away how many times? Oh, oh, oh! Wait. I know! 13."

Glee dances across the siphoner's baby blue eyes, it tangos with mischief, and waltzes with danger.

"You think my temper's bad with her? I like her. You not so much." Damon speeds over to the witch and grabs him by the collar of his jacket. Holding him a foot in the air. "Okay, okay. Sorry, seriously. I'm just kind of rusty on the face to face type human interactions." The vampire then drops him onto the ground. "Answers. Now."

Kai sighs once again. "Maybe you should have a drink," He suggests as Damon walks back over to the bottle he was eyeing before. "That usually calms you down."

"Thanks," Damon mutters and grabs a bottle from the shelf, while Kai continues to talk. "Then makes you angry, then sad, then calm again. It's a weird cycle, and look if you really want to know the reason I'm following you, it's because I want to kill you."

Damon spits out the drink he barely managed to swallow. The vervain laced drink. It burns his throat and lungs. Nasty burns quickly form inside of him, making him cough and fall to the ground.

Kai grins as he sees what he's done. Step one? Accomplished.

This is all a part of his plan. This is going to get him out of here. This is going to lead to revenge on the Gemini coven. This is going to make him powerful.

"Vervain in your bourbon." Kai chuckles to himself as he watches the vampire roll over in pain. Gasping for air as if it was a limited supply. "Who didn't see that one coming? And another thing, who buys patio furniture from a grocery store? I mean, somebody must, otherwise it wouldn't be here." He rambles as he plucks a wooden umbrella from the stand.

"Now, I'm a little unfamiliar with vampires," he breaks the wooden end of the umbrella over his knee. "From what I've gathered, a stake in the heart should do it, right?" Damon reaches out and almost grabs the siphoner, when the jagged wooden stake is shoved into his hand.

It twists and a sickening sound of flesh tearing fills the area. A sound that pleases Kai.

"You always fight dirty, Damon. Like that time you and Bonnie played Monopoly and you stole from the bank? Not cool." Kai shakes his head and looks down at the vampire who struggles below him.


The wooden umbrella is removed and both males stand up immediately. "I'm going to rip your head off."

"No, you're not." Kai counteracts. Just as Damon steps forward, Kai smashes the bourbon bottles with the umbrella. Vervain laced bourbon, once again. He'll have to thank Evanora for giving away her secret in a drunken stupor.

"I didn't know which bottle you'd take." He grins and tosses the umbrella into the other hand. "So I vervained them all."

As Damon struggles with the molten flesh on his body, agonizing burns and cuts cause him to groan at the slightest of movements. Kai raises the weapon over his head, ready to aim for the kill.

"Stay away from him," Bonnie appears and warns with a glare.

"The useless one is here, thank God. I've watched you try to do magic for months now, what are you going to do? Fail at me? It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you." She simply looks down with flushed cheeks, while Damon looks at her sadly.

The siphoner raises the umbrella once again over his head.

But Bonnie does something that she didn't think would be possible again.
She lights a candle.

Hope flashes across Damon's face, while Kai drops the umbrella a little. "Uh oh."

"Run," Bonnie tells Damon, who wastes no time by speeding off. "Phesmatos Incendia." The witch speaks clearly and flames form. They lick the floor and Kai immediately looks at the liquor. Fire catches faster with alcohol.

He drops the umbrella in surrender. "Okay," He repeats and looks at the witch who narrows her eyes. "Giving up so soon? I'm embarrassed for you."

Suddenly Kai feels a sharp pain hit the back of his head. He falls unconscious immediately, but not before smiling slightly.

Everything is going according to plan.


Kai swears that being tied up to a chair is something he only fantasies about in his head. He never actually thought that day would come. Or that it would be for not sexual reasoning. He blinks and all he can see are blurred shapes. He can feel the warmth of the fire hitting his leg, the smell of burning wood, and feel the magic radiating in the room.

"You're awake, good. Now for the Q&A portion of the evening." Damon says and strolls in front of the siphoner holding a bag of pork rinds.

"Let me guess. I answer right, I get a pork rind. Wrong, I get the poker." He says as he notices the poker slung ever so casually over Damon's right shoulder. "What? No, no, no. These are for me. You just get the poker." He shoves the weapon into Kai's chest, not hard enough to enter the body, but hard enough to show he's serious.

"Yeah, you don't have to do that. We're on the same team," He grins and Bonnie stands up from where she was sitting, immediately sparking his attention.

"Really? Do you alway try and kill your teammates?" Kai contemplates making a joke about killing his family, but that wouldn't be an appropriate conversation for the time. "The important thing is that you have your magic back. It worked."

Both Bonnie and Damon exchange looks of uncertainty.

"What, you didn't really think I'd kill Damon, did you?" He begins to laugh, finding everything truly amusing. "In what universe would that make sense? Who would kill ⅓ of our population? I'm not a monster. I knew Bonnie would show up. She always comes back, all 13 times. And I knew with the right motivation, she'd be able to access her magic."
He laughs once more before continuing. "Although I did get a little worried with all your bickering that Damon's life wouldn't be enough motivation, but turns out it was. I guess that's just how you two show your love."

"So you did all that just to make sure I would have my magic?" Bonnie asks with her arms crossed. Definitely not impressed by Kai Parker. "Of course I did. Because your magic is the key to getting the hell out of here."


I got vsp back so go follow my tiktok account 😉

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now