01 bringing out the dead

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Floating into a sea of nothingness endlessly. She hates that feeling. Emptiness coats her like an itchy blanket, while the pain of hunger elopes her whole. The feeling of being so starved you would do anything just for a taste of relief. The pain of not knowing when this would all stop.

Then, it ends.

She shoots up from her previous position and grasps her dry throat. Her cold, dead heart thumps wildly in her ears. A rush of pain aches in her mouth; her razor sharp teeth poking through her gums.

A bag is thrust into her grey hands. Eyeing it for a second, she immediately smells the metal twinge of blood and devours the bag whole. By the time she finishes the bag, she turns to see her twin brother looking at her with a bloody face she is sure resembles her own.

"Well, get out of that ridiculous box! We have no time to waste!" Kol chatters while Evanora looks around the room.

A man stands in the door way talking to Elijah, who Evanora scowls at. She climbs out of her designated coffin and stretches. "Bloody hell, no matter how long I lay in that coffin, I will never get rid of the stiffness in my body." Laughter comes from beside her and she turns to see the eldest of the siblings, Finn, smiling at her.

"Brother!" She rushes over to him and wraps him tightly in her arms. He laughs and hugs her back with a grin. "You hug the dry minded brother before your own twin? How ridiculous!" Kol taunts as she lets go of the eldest sibling to hug her twin.

Rebekah and Elijah watch the twins and eldest chatter while waiting their turn to be spoken to. Guilt swarms them like bees to honey as they remember why the twins were daggered last.

"Okay, we need to get this show on the road. No offense, but it smells like rotting corpse in here." Damon Salvatore claps his hands together and gives the Mikaelsons a lazy smile. "I want this to go perfectly. Elijah will do whatever he does, then all of the siblings will come in and in the end, we all come out happy."

"And who are you?" Evanora snickers as Kol questions. "An ally, at the moment, Kol. Now, let's go." Elijah tuts towards his younger brother before walking out of the room.

All five Mikaelson siblings and the Salvatore saunter to the room where Klaus and Stefan were. "Split up, have fun. Remember to make it painful." Damon grins and walks away with Elijah.

"Elijah..." Klaus scowls in distaste as he sees his older brother, alongside a girl holding a tray, and Damon Salvatore. "Why haven't you left?" "Well where are your manners, brother? We forgot dessert." With his hand, he removes the cloth from the serving tray to show two daggers.

Panic etches across Klaus' face as he sees the weapons. He stumbles back just a little causing the Salvatore brothers to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. "What have you done?" The hybrid questions while his brother retorts the same question. "See, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We are doing this on my terms now."

Kol takes this as his opportunity to present himself. Pure horror floods Klaus as he sees only Kol, knowing his twin wouldn't be far behind. He holds his hands up as an attempt to stop his younger brother.

"Kol." "Long time brother." Kol walks closer to his brother with a smirk on his lips. Evanora casually strolls in the room behind Klaus, causing him to bump into her. "Hm, has it been a century?" She grasps her dagger and sticks it in his side before he could move off of her. Klaus lets out cry of pain as she removes it. He goes to the two daggers the girl holds, but is quickly stopped by the eldest, Finn.

He ignores his brother's beg and drives the dagger through his hand. The Salvatore brothers watch as the Mikaelson siblings take their turns stabbing Klaus with daggers.

"Rebekah!" The youngest simply smiles and plunges the dagger into his stomach. "This is for our mother." Klaus groans in pain as Rebekah pushes him off, allowing Evanora and Kol to grab his arms.

Elijah dismisses the Salvatores with a pleased smile. "You're free to go. This is family business." "Mhm, ironic isn't it? How the tables have turned." Evanora whispers to her twin who snickers. Both sisters exchange looks before looking towards Elijah.

"Let him go." With a sigh, the twins push Klaus down to the floor harshly. Only smiling as they hear him groan in pain. He stands up and walks over to by the couch. Kol immediately turns towards the liquor and pours himself and Evanora a glass. She thanks him and watches her sister walk in front of the fireplace.

Rebekah has always been someone Evanora envied. Her hair seems to shine brighter, her eyes are the same color, she is taller, she was father's favorite. All while Evanora envied Rebekah, she has never realized how much Rebekah envies her. The older sister can get anyone she wanted, always has someone in her corner, her nose is cuter, etc.

The sisters are, in summary, jealous.

"I like what you've done with the new place, Nik." Rebekah grabs a vase from the shelf and launches it at a painting. Causing the glass to shatter and art to fall. "I wanted it to be for all of us," Klaus hoarsely whispers as he stares at the flooring. "A place we could all call home; a place we could all be a family. None of us would ever have to be alone again."

Holding back her snicker, Evanora looks to Elijah. "Oh, you're right. None of us will be." The siblings, excluding Klaus, all walk to the doorway. "You're staying behind."

"We're leaving you, Nik. Right after I kill that doppelgänger wench. And you will be alone. Always and forever." Rebekah's words are as if he has been daggered himself. "You run, I will hunt all of you down."

"And then you'll become everything you hate. Our father."

Evanora watches with an amused smile. Her arms crossed over each other as she stands beside Kol and Rebekah. "I'm the hybrid! I can't be killed! I have nothing to fear from any of you!" Elijah hums in disagreement at his younger brother's tantrum.

"You will when we have that coffin." Silence hangs thickly in the room as the Mikaelson siblings stare at their brother. Then the squeak of a door opening causes them to turn. Klaus gasps in shock as he sees his mother.

The woman responsible for it all.

Esther Mikaelson.

"Mother?" Evanora and Rebekah say together in shock. The woman walks through her children and towards Klaus, who's eyes water and breath shudders. His eyes avoiding hers at any cost; knowing he is responsible for her death. "Look at me," Esther's voice is commanding and makes him look up at her.

"Do you know why I'm here?" The Mikaelson girl grasps her twin's hand for comfort. They exchange eye contact as they hold each other's hand before looking back at the scene before them.

A son crying before his mother. A son who knows his fate. "You're here to kill me." "Niklaus, you are my son. And I am here to forgive you." Evanora's eyebrows crease in confusion.


The mother turns from Klaus to her other children. "I want us to be a family again."


Evanora is awake and ready for action. Literally thank you so much for all the reads and likes in such short time. It's so crazy.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now