38 crescent city

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Evanora taps her fingers absentmindedly against the steering wheel along to the rhythm of the Taylor Swift song playing. She and Rebekah, were instructed by Elijah to take Hayley to the plantation house.

With Rebekah sitting passenger, and Hayley in the backseat, the three females barrel down the road at great speed. The werewolf clutches the seat until her nails puncture the interior. "Hey! No tearing up my car!" The brunette sister hisses angrily as she eyes the damage in the rear view mirror.

"Who fucking taught you how to drive?" Hayley snaps and Rebekah giggles. "Eva and Kol taught each other how to drive, mumsy." Her sister hums in agreement. Fully remembering how she and her twin were completely confused as soon as they entered the automobile.

"All things considered, I drive excellently now." Evanora grins and pulls into the driveway of the plantation. The crisp air hits her face when she steps out with a stretch. Her green crew neck sweater rises up as her arms lift above her head.

Hayley and Rebekah join her side as they begin to walk to the door. "I thought I was gonna have to drag you to the plantation kicking and screaming." The blonde muses, standing beside Evanora who dusts the speck of dirt off of her black pants.

"Yeah. Well, we all just want to protect me and the baby, right?" Hayley's boots click against the pavement, but halts as both sisters frown and call out to her. "We are on your side, so what gives?"

"Tonight's a full moon," The werewolf begins but is cut off by the youngest Mikaelson. "So what? You're preggers, you can't turn." She shrugs as well as her sister. "Yes. But I wanted to invite a few people over."

Evanora gasps and grins cheerfully. "Good for you! I heard sex during pregnancy is actually really good for you!" She bounces on her toes with excitement. All while Rebekah can't help but snort at Hayley's confused face.

"This isn't a gangbang, Nora."


She pushes her lips out into a pout and slumps forward. "Anyways, she wants her cursed crescent clan to be here. Considering that they are the only werewolves that are human on a full moon." Rebekah explains to Evanora who grumbles and shoves her hands in her pockets.

"Only for a few hours and won't be again until the next full moon. So I asked Josh to get a message out to Eve in the Bayou."

"Josh isn't dead yet? Well, good on him!" Rebekah grins proudly, as well as Evanora. "I do love a good survival story, don't you sister?"

The front door swings open as a man pushes a Cherry red dolly onto the steps. He looks over at Hayley who looks quite embarrassed of what she has done. "Kegs out back right?" She coughs as the wind blows in her face. Both sister's feel their jaws drop at the question.

She was going to do it either way, Rebekah thinks.

"Right. It appears you weren't going to wait for me to grant you permission to throw a kegger." Rebekah crosses her arms furiously, Evanora still staring at her wide eyed.

What the bloody hell is a kegger?

"Listen, you all want me safe, fine. I'll do as I'm told. I'll play damsel in the glass tower. But tonight's the one night a month that I can meet my family. Now, you could rat me out, send me to my room, or both of you could help me throw one hell of a party." Hayley grins suggestively and watches as Evanora's face lights up.

"I love parties! But, I do have a question. What is a keg?"


Evanora sits in a lawn chair beside the barrel of beer. After listening to the watery explanation her sister provided, she is fully intrigued. She huffs and looks down at her new change of clothes. Both females were surprised when the brunette rushed back with a sparkly midnight blue, sleeveless jumpsuit.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now