31 the casket girls

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"I have no idea where Davina is, or why she ran away. Can I suggest you take a step back?" Elijah's voice coaxes through the walls of the compound. Evanora grumbles to herself, shuffling forward to the double door study.

Klaus called her early asking her to join him. Leaving no explanation why she should, he hung up. Absolutely driving her mad especially after her confusing night.

She cannot, for the life of her, remember what the dream was. Or why it was so important.

"It could be because she hates the two of you, and the world. Normal teenager things. Rebellion, adventure, it's good. Healthy even." She muses as her hands lightly push open the doors.

Marcel and Elijah groan as they see the brunette sister, only Klaus snickers slightly.

"I can assure you I have absolutely no desire to see that child come into harm's way. She has suffered enough with this harvest ritual nonsense." Elijah clicks his tongue in distaste, while crossing his arms.

The Mikaelson sister straightens slightly at the mentioning of the ritual. When she was locked away in the attic with Davina, the young witch told her the horrors of what happened to her.

How she was tricked into believing a false lie. How she would die just for magic. For power. Evanora promised the witch nothing would happen to her. Now she plans to keep that promise.

"That child, to whom you refer to so affectionately, is the most powerful witch in New Orleans. If she's fled, what's to stop her from destroying us? In fact, destroying all we've worked for? No, if she's not a friend to this family, then she is our enemy." Klaus glares as the three vampires open their mouths to protest.

"She is a friend, Klaus." Marcel grits out, narrowing his black eyes at his sire. Evanora stands beside Elijah, fingernails pressed firmly into the flesh of her palms.
Crescent moon indents firmly display as she begins to wave her hands about frantically. "I will not let you kill her, Nik."

Something in the back of her mind scratches constantly at the same two words: protect Davina.

Two words that drive her practically up the wall. Sure, she understands that this is a young girl, but why should she take on this role? Who decided that she, along with the strand of barbaric lunatics, should protect Davina.

Two of the four, herself included in the duo, only want to keep her safe, not use her for power. She hasn't felt that incessant scratching since her twin died. Maybe it's something Kol brings from the dead, she snorts slightly to herself.

The three males only quirk their eyebrows in confusion at her.

"Well let's hope it doesn't come to that. Lucky for you three, I know how to get her back. Follow my lead." Klaus snarls as he exits the room. Marcel and Evanora attempt to leave, but quickly halt as Elijah raises his hand slightly.

"You both know how Niklaus operates. If he perceives a threat, he can become quite ruthless. This would not bode well for Davina." The brunette Mikaelson grits her teeth together, narrowing her eyes.

Rage practically consumes her at the thought of Davina hurt. "I'm not gonna let anyone lay a finger on her." Marcel points towards Elijah then Evanora. "Nor will I."

"It would be the last thing they ever did."


"Yeah, well, I've never been a fan of the boys club. Just wait, Elijah will join them and the three of them will be unstoppable. And by the looks of it, with Evanora on their side, no one could stand a chance." Rebekah huffs as she informs Hayley.

A sharp snicker causes both females to turn around, finding Evanora staring back at them with a mischievous smile. "Sweet of you to say I am that valuable to a team, sister." She wiggles her fingers in the werewolf's direction, who rolls her eyes at her antics.

"It's just the facts of it all, Eva. When Elijah and Klaus would want any of the remaining siblings on their side for a war, they chose you or Kol. You both were their killer puppets they strategically set out."

The smile Evanora once wore soon vanishes at her sister's words. Her eyes harden in anger, fists clamp tightly together, and jaw sits tightly. "I was used?"

"Of course you were. Just like you're being used now."


The dark night sky sits across the city of New Orleans. Lights of different hues light up the streets as they celebrate the story of the Casket Girls. The people dance against each other as they move forward down the street.

They dance to the sounds of trumpets and drums playing their loudest. The taps of tambourines against hands drive them insane as they dance. Overwhelming senses of joy, the feeling to just let loose at this one moment.

Where nothing matters, only the feeling of being free.

Evanora loves that about New Orleans. She loves how people will drive hours just to get a taste of that freedom. That lovely feeling of being unashamed of who you are. No matter who you look like, who you love, where you are from. The city doesn't care. No one cares.

She loves that.

She also loves watching her brothers and Marcel frantically search the crowd of people in search of Davina. She finds it amusing. Especially since she found her alongside Camille O'Connell in seconds.

Evanora could easily catch them if she so desires, but the chase is so much more fun. So, she decides to join the gaggle of vampires that form a small group. Bouncing on her toes, swaying to the music, she makes her way over to her siblings and Marcel.

Humming along to the tune the band plays, she nears  Elijah and Klaus. Her outfit completely differs from their attire. While they wear dark clothing, she wears a bright pink dress. It stops at her knees, flowing out slightly at the ends. To top it off, her shoes are the exact same color as the dress. The heels help her stand the same height as the three vampires.

"You don't like festivities?" Klaus muses as both Evanora and Rebekah join the three. "I don't see why not? Who doesn't love a street fair?"

Marcel straightens his posture as he eyes the youngest Mikaelson. "Prudes do not like street fairs." Evanora tutts with a smirk. "Sisters, come to help us find our stray?" Klaus mockingly smiles downwards at the girls.

Evanora grits her teeth in anger at the act.

'Just like you're being used now.'

She wants to give him the benefit of the doubt, believing it is all Elijah's fault. But she cannot shake those nagging words.

Deciding to let things pan out as they should, she straightens her shoulders and purses her lips together. "We can't let your secret weapon get in the wrong hands, can we?" Rebekah mocks with a grin.

"For the record, we're moments away from retrieving her."

"Is that why I saw her going the opposite direction the three of you were looking?" The brunette Original nearly laughs at the looks she receives. "And why didn't you get her?" Marcel demands as he points a threatening finger in her direction.

Furrowing her brows together, shaking her head, she simply beams in satisfaction of toying with them. "Because three simply are not fit to help her."

"Which way did she go?" Elijah huffs in disappointment. He knows she is mad at them, for what reason he is unsure of. They watch as she points in the way they actually went, but the three notice her mischievous smile and go the opposite way.

Rebekah giggles slightly to herself as Marcel, Klaus, and Elijah shuffle through the crowd of partiers. "She went that way, didn't she?" Both girls chuckle, one slinging an arm over the other sibling, and make their way to Davina Claire.



𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now