39 long way back from hell

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What could a punishment be for the Mikaelson who didn't do the witches wrong? She deserves to suffer just as much as her siblings. She deserves an endless hell of suffering.

Crimson blood glides down the strands of hair and drips down into a puddle on the floor. The floor is caked in grime and battered health materials. Various white metal beds surround hers, the only occupied one in the room.

Her hair hangs limply in a puddle of blood. The sandy brown locks are now turned a furious shade of red. The source? The unhealed gash at the crown of her head. Her skin is a sick shade of gray, eyes rimmed beat red, nose cracked into the wrong shape, and lips split with blood openly pouring.

Evanora Mikaelson looks broken.

She grumbles and shifts uncomfortably as she hears the door open. "My, did those wolves do a number on you?" Genevieve, a witch with a horrid vendetta, strides over to the bedridden Original.

Evanora meekly turns her head to see the fiery witch smirking at her state. "I've done plenty of things to plenty of people. But, I do not recall you being on the 'kill Evanora' list." She chuckles slightly but winces at the pain that follows.

Genevieve laughs and nods her head once. She did hear from Rebekah all those years ago, that her sister is in fact funny.

"No, you have never met me." She begins and places a gentle hand against the Original's scalp. The coolness of her palm makes Evanora coos in contempt at the feeling. "But, you are a Mikaelson. Therefore, you must pay for the years of your crimes."

Suddenly, the witch jams her finger into the gashed wound on Evanora's scalp. A white hot pain causes the Original to scream out, her body writhing in pain. A sadistic chuckle is drowned by the cries that echo throughout the hospital walls.

"Sleep, Evanora." She whispers once as she removes her finger. Evanora heaves and watches through blurred eyes as Genevieve brings her hands to her neck.

A loud crack is heard, and the witch walks away. Leaving Evanora in an torture of hell in her mind. What a perfect punishment for the Mikaelson who didn't harm the witches.


"You did this," Mikael jeers crookedly at the now twelve year old Evanora. She doesn't understand how she is back inside her human body, staring at the monster of a father she has. "You both are such terrible children." He seethes in anger.

Evanora whips her head to the side, blonde hair swishing as she does so, to see her twin brother crying in pain. He is clutching his nose as blood pours onto the grass.

She then gasps in realization at knowing just what is going on now.

She and Kol decided to venture further into the woods. Too close to werewolf territory for Mikael's liking. He found the twins giggling at the joke they made up, but quickly ceased as he dragged them both back home.

He had flung them down in front of their siblings and mother who did nothing to help. Although Kol and Evanora were not treated as harshly as Niklaus was, Mikael still felt it was right to punish them the same. If one sibling were to do something wrong, they were to be made an example of.

That example is now the twins.

Her father holds a long stick with a slimy green vine tied around it tightly. She remembers how the vine would yank them down, then the stick would be used. With a loud crack, she is yanked by her ankles to the ground. The rough patch of dirt causes her dress to scratch her knees uncomfortably.

"You both know better than that!" He yells and a white hot pain consumes her as her nose burns. Blood pours like a waterfall as the stick has sliced her nose clean open. She cups her nose gingerly and awaits for her father to continue to yell.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now