44 the big uneasy

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Evanora spent the entire day shopping. Her brother called with an arrangement to celebrate the witches. The Harvest Girls.

Elijah claimed it would look bad if she did not go. Not that she would care if it made her look bad. But she knows how crushed Davina would be if she didn't attend.

Thus, she spent her day buying gifts for her friend. She even invited friends of her own to attend. Four witches, three vampires, and one Original, attending a party with people they don't like.

How exciting.

The eight of them bought gifts for Davina, and only Davina. Eudora was absolutely thrilled to be invited, but ultimately nervous. She hasn't seen any of the French Quarter witches since she left.

Dorthea only hummed in agreement to leave her home. She has been curious about Davina witch since she heard her name.

Blair and Willa jumped for joy at the thought of a party. The two certainly missed partying when they were allowed to be in the Quarter. Evanora raised an eyebrow when she saw Blair beam with extra excitement of the name Davina.

Scarlett and Andrew felt it would be the polite thing to do for Davina. They pitied the witch and knew it would be best to be there for her.

Zoe was excited to even be able to show her face in public once more. Being cooped up with witches is cool at first, but then it gets annoying. She wants to return to her normal life, and this party is certainly the way to go.

"Hello?" Evanora answers her phone with a huff. She carries a stack of presents practically as tall as her. Each gift varies from makeup to electronics to grimoires. They are wrapped in fine paper and huge ribbons.

Only the best for Davina.

"Are you here yet? I expected you to be here for Davina, Eva." Elijah clicks his tongue as he searches the crowd for his sister. The parade is about to begin as the lights flash and people cheer.

"I'm on my way, 'Lijah. Don't get your knickers in a twist." She grumbles and gets into her car as she hangs up.

Elijah has been annoying her lately, and she isn't exactly sure why. It could be that persistent frown he wears, or the selfless acts he displays to others.

She always told Kol that the 'noble' brother wore his necktie too tight. The tightness cut of his ability to have fun with his siblings. Although, he allowed more fun than Finn did.

The eldest would look down at the others for their mischief with his head held high. He would sniff in disdain when he saw the blood caking the twin's faces. Their grins would fade until he turned his back, then they would continue to smile happily.

It was like Finn grew up too fast when he turned. The sweet boy who gave his sisters flowers to cheer them up, grew dull and bored. He had his moments where the glimpse of the 'Finn' Evanora knew would appear. But that would be taken aback with a tight lipped smile and a clear of his throat. But by the time he was comfortable in his newfound skin, he was daggered.

She continues down the freeway and sighs as her memories speed up with her.

She has had countless conversations with her siblings about being a vampire. Rebekah, Finn, and Kol missed being human. Rebekah wanted to grow old with a family, Finn hated being a monster, and Kol missed his magic.

Klaus thrived as a vampire and continues to thrive as a hybrid. Elijah has never specified to her if he likes or dislikes being what he is.

She, herself, loves and hates it.

She never developed her magical ability like her twin. She always felt excluded from things she couldn't do as well as her siblings. She couldn't whittle like Klaus, braid like Rebekah, or fight like Elijah.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now