33 elemental disaster

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Evanora strums her fingers against the bedside table. Her eyes are focused directly on Davina, ready to help her at any moment. Only she and Rebekah have been able to stay with the witch longer than five minutes. Everyone else has had something thrown at them, or a body part broken.

The brunette Mikaelson had watched the girl cough out dirt, and felt the worst pain of watching her cry of confusion.

"Evanora, may I ask a favor?" She turns to see Elijah standing in the doorway, hands folded in front of himself. The original lazily raises her eyebrows and waves her hand for him to ask.

Elijah didn't want to ask her at all. He knows that where he and his sister stand is rocky. Her taking Klaus' side, shaming him for believing Hayley, and him not even trying to talk to her at all. He had figured it was better to not talk to her, rather than even attempt dealing with her.

He loves her, but she is a pain at times.

She and Kol were too much alike. They would blow things out of proportion, create theatrics out of pure amusement, not caring who they hurt. It made him so angry.

"Will you accompany me to see Eudora? She will probably want to talk to me more if you are there."

Evanora scoffs and turns her head back to Davina, who peacefully sleeps on her bed. "I doubt she would even want you in her home. You are not on the good side of my witches, brother."

She licks her lips once and pops her knuckles, before standing up. Her heavy black boots hit the hardwood loudly, as she strides over to stand in front of him. "But, I'd rather have you alive than put in a magically induced coma. I've heard those things are horribly nasty."

All he can manage is a small chuckle before sighing. "I want to see Sophie Deveraux first, if that is alright with you." The two of them leave the room, but not after Evanora groans in distaste. "I'd rather swallow my own foot than see her, 'Lijah."

He cannot help but grin at the nickname she had given him all those years ago. Something simple enough for him, that he wasn't bothered when she would call him that.

It is much better than some alternatives she has called him.

"I'm surprised Davina has allowed you to stay by her side." He nudges her slightly with his elbow while they walk side by side. She narrows her eyes playfully and scrunches her nose.

"Well, I like to believe I won her over with my charming personality and style. But, I think it has something to do with this gut feeling of mine." She huffs once before shoving her hands into her black jumpsuit's pockets.

Her outfit is simple today, due to her not really worrying much of herself. A short sleeve, black jumpsuit, paired with gold heels, and a matching gold belt. Her hair lays in its natural waves, slightly frizzy of course.

"What do you mean?" He abruptly stops, as well as she. "It sounds peculiar, I know it does. But, every time I'm near her, I have this sudden urge to protect her. It's like I'm drawn to her, and every part of me is willing to lay my life down for her." Once she finishes, Evanora quickly turns her head to see Hayley trailing along after them.

"We should ask Eudora. Oh, Hayley." He motions for her to join the siblings, Evanora perking up as she sees the werewolf. "Um, are you both going to see Sophie?"

Evanora and Elijah both hum in agreement and nod their head simultaneously. "Well, then there's something you should know." Hayley bites her tongue for just a second, part of her begging herself to back out. Walk away and not make Elijah mad at her.

But, the other part stays knowing that this is the right thing.

"She called me and asked me for a favor. She promised me that she would help break the curse that Marcel put on my people in exchange for some information." The werewolf walks with both Originals trailing after her, both fully intrigued.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now