42 farewell to storyville

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The guilty vampire sulks as she watches her brothers argue with each other. The only weapon to kill an original lies in the elder brother's hand, as well as the blade that trapped her in a spiral dream.

She shudders as she sees the blasted blade in Elijah's hand. He flaunts it as if it is some grand prize; the prize being insured pain.

Evanora is fully aware that if she is to make one wrong choice that the blade or stake can be used on her. But that isn't stopping her from sitting down and watching the squabble.

She frowns out the words that Elijah and Klaus spit back and forth to each other. Watching them is like watching bears. One wants to protect her cub, while the other wants to kill the baby.

The only thing stopping the Mikaelson brothers from attacking each other, are the weapons that Elijah leisurely holds.

He proceeds to bring up memories that she would rather leave forgotten, or ones that she never witnessed. That thought leaves a sour feeling on her tongue. She frowns in anger and huffs at the brothers' antics.

"The moon won't come fast enough." She snarls and places both palms behind her as she sits on a random tombstone.

"I fully agree, sister." A voice taunts her until she turns around and sees absolutely nothing. An empty space haunts her as leaves blow with the wind. She raises a brow and pouts at not knowing.

Both brothers run off, leaving Evanora once again. "You bloody ignorant bastards! Narcissistic wankers!" She screeches and stands up abruptly and stalks forward.

Her shoes crunch leaves until they crumble into nothing. A frown pulls her lips down and eyes narrow dangerously. One face that she has noticed that seems to be permanent these days.

A groan draws her attention as she walks closer to the crime scene she created. As she rounds the corner, a glimmer of hope makes her smile.

Zoe's limp body wriggles slightly as she wakes. A fledgling.

She needs blood to live forever. That will not be a problem for Evanora to lure someone for her friend. The guilt leaves her system like a heavy blanket being tossed off.

But that is quickly stopped as Zoe scrambles up. Her posture is tense and confused. She raises her hands to study them. When her eyes catch Evanora's, she jumps back. Tears well in her eyes as she remembers what happened.

She died.

She died.

"What are you?" She asks and feels an uncomfortable burn in her throat. A gnawing sensation eats away her mouth as she feels like she hasn't drank anything in years. But it isn't water she craves.

No, it's something she can't quite put her finger on.

"Darling, did I forget to mention?" The Original smirks and saunters forward. Her hips away as she nears the scared woman. She has always loved turning vampires, but she wishes that Zoe didn't have to join her sireline. "I'm a vampire."

"W-what? Those aren't real." Zoe stutters and looks down at her blood soaked clothes. "Why am I so thirsty?"

"You're a fledgling. You can either drink blood to become a vampire, or choose to not. Your choice."

"No way am I drinking blood! Are you in some kind of cult? Do you chase the dragon regularly?" The raven haired girl screeches loudly. Evanora snorts at the comment and throws her head back to look at the clouds.

The graying sky taunts her as the sun peaks past the white wisps. "I've never seen a cult before. How hard would it be to start one? Would they worship me?" She asks with a cheerful smile.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now