02 dangerous liasions

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"This is the music they play now?" Evanora looks at her sister who nods. They both sit on a leather couch as they have their nails painted. Hers being a light pink, and Rebekah's a clear shimmer. "It resembles a train wreck, I know." Kol scoffs and turns to look at his sisters. "I like it. It has a certain edge to it."

The stench of nail polish rolls across the room, giving the Mikaelson girl a headache. "I think it is ridiculous as well." Finn adds as he has his pant leg tailored. "Hm, no one asked you, Finn." Kol says with a smirk as he fixes his suit sleeves.

"Eva, Rebekah, tell me how handsome I am." Evanora and Rebekah exchange looks and bite back snickers at their brother's ego. "Ah, Kol, you know I can't be compelled." The youngest checks her nails with an innocent smile.

Kol huffs and looks at his twin through the mirror. "Eva?" "But I would be lying. I would not want to make my new memories in this century as a liar." She teases as he scowls.

Both sisters look up simultaneously as Klaus storms in. One completely aware of the situation, while the other simply confused. "You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?" He approaches the couch with his fists clenched tightly. "Here we go." Rebekah smiles in amusement at her brother.

"You want another dagger in your heart?"Evanora looks at Kol who pulls a face and sticks out his tongue. She giggles which makes Klaus angrier. "You think this is funny, Evanora?" "No, what is funny are your dagger threats." She stands up and walks over to the mirror Kol previously occupied.

She stands in front of it observing her attire. Fashion has certainly changed. Her once ankle dresses have been traded to thigh length dresses. Modesty is unbeknownst to the humans of this century, Rebekah had told her. Now, she wears a black long sleeved mini dress. It has a simple neckline and keeps her somewhat covered.

She is not ready to dive head first into the 21st century just yet.

Her hair holds its natural waves, as she just washed it. Her bangs divided across her forehead unevenly. She runs her finger across them to somewhat perfect them, then joins her twin on the bench.

"Do you not have any other tricks?" Kol sneers, knowing just how to push the hybrid's buttons. "Oh, go back to staring at yourself." Not knowing who he meant the insult to, both twins look at Klaus with a mischievous glint in their eyes. "And who are you, my father?"

Looking at the twins, it would be impossible to not see the resemblance. They sit together on a bench wearing similar grins. Both share the same upturned nose and big eyes. His eyes are the darkest of browns. The color of the softest dirts. Her eyes are mixture of the grass and dirt combined; a beautiful hazel.

Both twins hold the same mischievous glint that reflects the light just right. Her smile resembles the warmest summers day, while his reflects the dusk summer nights. They have similar scars across the bridge of their noses from their father when they were younger. Both so similar, yet so different.

"No, Kol. But you're in my house." Klaus turns to look at them. "Then perhaps you should take it outside?" Evanora suggests as she sees both brothers stand up to face off. "Enough!" Esther snaps as she walks in the room. "Niklaus, come." She leaves as soon as she arrives.

'I will end up with whiplash if she does not stay put soon.' Evanora thinks as she watches her brother follow after their mother. Kol turns back to his twin with a smirk. "You took my seat." "You got up." She grins as he huffs and walks back to the mirror.

"Eva, would you like to accompany me to pass out these few invitations?" Rebekah claps, drawing attention to her. "I suppose it would be  nice to see the town." As well as confront the youngest about her betrayal 100 years ago.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now