41 trapped

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The sun has risen upon the city of New Orleans. Birds have awakened from their straw nests. Humans arrive at their stressful 9 to 5s. All while the four Original siblings are trapped. Trapped together inside of a cemetery. Rebekah hides away from Klaus, Elijah holds back Klaus, and Evanora sits on top of a crypt playing a game on her phone.

She sobered up fast when she saw the danger between her siblings. The wind billowed at her every move when the four of them faced each other. All tense, waiting for one to move.

The tension was like a snake ready to strike its nearest victim. A sense of dread lay thick over the siblings; so thick, it was enough to choke Evanora.

Elijah stopped Klaus before he could chase after Rebekah. The brothers stood in a dangerous position; the two both ready for a showdown. The younger of the two's face twitched into a sickening smile.

His eyes were like the dangerous seas that thousands have drowned in. A smile so twisted it makes one's stomach curl into knots.

The composure Elijah kept was just as menacing. His eyes held no vacancy in them. The hollowness of his stare made Evanora shrink back, despite him not looking at her.

That's when she decided it would be best for her to leave them be. She rushed through the stoned cemetery, silently cursing as her leg was snagged on a briar bush.

The brunette found the perfect place to stay quickly: the very top of the center crypt. She is stuck in the blasted burial ground until the next moonrise.

"Damn you!" She screeches as the bird smacks into a pole on her game. Evanora sighs in exasperation at the failure. Placing the phone down, she listens in on the conversation between the two brothers. "You look like Father," Elijah sneers towards the Hybrid.

Even Evanora feels the sting of fresh pain roll off of the words. The sharp tongued Klaus stands at a loss for words. He is certainly not Mikael.

Perhaps his intentions could be quite unreasonable, and his motives might be just out of pure spite. But, he has a loving heart. Unlike the man who has hunted him for centuries.

"I'm not him. Rebekah's betrayal justifies my anger; his was that of a mad man."

Evanora tilts her head at his words, secretly agreeing with him. "You were never the recipient of his cruelty!" Klaus yells in anger towards his older brother.

"None of you were- Not Kol, not Evanora, not Finn! None of you!" He shouts and the brunette sister frowns.

That is certainly not true.

She raises her hand to cradle her nose. The faintest scar cuts the bridge of her nose. Handy work of her father. She shakes angrily and jumps down from the crypt. Her steps are made out of the same as her brothers, pure anger.

Klaus frowns as he sees his sister staring at him with disapproval. "My nose was almost sliced completely off due to Father. Remember? I was almost killed for talking to the neighbor's son. I may not have been treated the same as you, brother. But he still hurt me, physically and emotionally."

Evanora studies the softness in his eyes as his eyes waltz with memory.

She was treated horribly.

Kol was treated horribly.

Different punishments than Klaus, but the twins were always used to prove a point.

'Don't go near werewolf territory.' The twins did, resulting in the scar on their noses. 'Don't leave your bed a mess.' The twins did, resulting in a scar on their left forearm.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now