10 catch me if you can

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For the phone call:


The vampire and hunter push past the plastic and groan at the sight of the dead bodies. Blood stains the floor and hearts lay scattered amongst the bodies. Blood coats the wall, the stench of death lay thick in the room. The lights of the room make it seem almost blue, letting the crimson liquid stand out further. Jeremy gags at the scent but clutches his weapon tighter.

"Looks like we're gonna have to find some new vampires. What a waste." Damon scoffs and nudges a young girl's shoe. "What the hell happened?" The Gilbert sighs and looks at all of the dead vampires he was supposed to kill.

"I confess. I did it." Both vampire and hunter whirl around to see Evanora Mikaelson. Her hands are raised in mocking surrender and she smiles proudly. Her cream colored pants are stained dark red, and her brown shirt has few red specks.

Mischief plays tango across her eyes when she makes eye contact with the hunter. His crossbow is pointed at directly at the blonde who seems unfazed and drops her arms. "Nora?"

"Jeremy! Good to see you, darling. I deeply apologize for the mess. It was a tad bit overcrowded when I arrived, and I prefer more intimate gatherings." She reaches over to the metal shelf and grabs the bottle of liquor she was previously drinking from. "We three need to have a little chat."

She takes a long sip and sighs when she places the bottle back on the shelf. "I am sorry, where are my manners? Care for a drink?" The bottle tilts towards the two as she offers.

"He's underage, and I don't like you, so let's just cut to it." The raven haired vampire scowls and steps forward to stand up to Evanora. She merely giggles and nods her head. "My brother created this elaborate plan of helping Jeremy create his hunter's mark. Boasted about his smarts. Unfortunately for him, it was rather easy to find this lot. Hiding out in the shadows without daylight rings. Killing young vampires is easy, or old ones for that matter."

The original tilts her head slightly as Damon begins to question her. "Why? What's it to you either way?" Jeremy watches the two vampires carefully. He still is amazed of how the twins managed to create the elaborate plan of becoming his friends.

"Because, you blundering fools, in your zeal to find the cure, you risk waking a very dangerous being." Damon mockingly nods his head and raises his eyebrows. "Oh, you must be talking about Silas." The blonde doesn't like how he is treating her. Acting as if waking Silas wouldn't be harmful to him and his loved ones. "What do you know of him?" She demands and taps her foot against the tile flooring. "Nothing. Don't want to. Not our problem."

"Isn't it? A few hundred years back, Kol and I came across a group that worshiped Silas. His followers told us that he would rise again, and when he did he would trigger the end of all time. Being an immortal, you can see as to why I am opposed to time's ending. We murdered all of them, and now here you are willing to risk raising him in your search for the cure." Her tone raises in anger as she continues to speak.

"I cannot sit back and let that happen, can I? But if you back off and cross me, just know this, I shall rip the neck of whoever shall cross me."

"Calm down Tweedle Dee. And we're not gonna back off the cure because you and Tweedle Dum were told one too many scary bedtime stories, you idiot." Evanora feels all the hope she has fades at the vampire's words. She pushes forward and Jeremy raises his crossbow to aim back at her. "Jeremy, we were friends in Colorado. You are a smart lad, smarter than this vampire here. Why don't you call off this imbecilic treasure hunt? Your sister's humanity is not worth the destruction of the world is it?"

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now