14 no rest for the wicked

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They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. The anger of a woman rejected by love. The pain they feel as the words sink into their skin. But there is no greater anger seen as Evanora Mikaelson walks to the Salvatore boarding house.

Her footsteps crunch against the gravel driveway. Flashbacks from the previous night play in her head on a constant loop. As if someone was rewinding the tape of her life's horrors on repeat, starting with the murder of her twin. For the first time in her life, she is alone.

The sky holds a beautiful picturesque scenery. Blue sky with few cumulus clouds above. Hardly any wind blows past her as she continues to walk. The screams of Kol ring in her ears. It has been the only thing she has been able to hear.

In both of her hands she carries two large containers full of gasoline. In her coat pocket, a pack of matches are tucked securely beneath a jar of vervain.

Her entire soul was crushed those few nights ago. Her best friend, the only person who never betrayed her, her only sense of home, her twin, was killed in front of her. The Originals could never die, is what they all assumed.

But they were wrong.

Therefore, Evanora continues up the gravel driveway with only one thing on her mind. Revenge. Revenge couldn't taste any sweeter if she did not do it herself. First the Salvatore's, and next Elena. Jeremy died due to Silas, so killing him is out of the plan.

"He deserved it. Both of the stupid twins." Elena Gilbert's words echo through her mind. She and her brother killed him, they killed Kol. She processed Finn's death rather quickly due to the fact that they were not close. But she still cannot fathom this loss.

It isn't a measly daggering, it's permanent. He's dead.

Once she reaches the house, she drops the red containers and pushes her sunglasses up on her head. Her blonde hair whips around her with the wind as she bends down to unscrew the cap of the can. The liquid sloshes as she hauls it back up.

She walks around the house and douses it with gasoline. Once she runs out, she goes to get the other container. Then an idea hits her. She bends down and picks up a heavy rock. Evanora launches the rock at the glass windows, only smirking as she hears the glass break.

She continues to break more windows and pours gasoline inside the open windows. The gasoline quickly runs out, the vampire huffs and walks back to where the liquid was first poured. She shoves her hand in her coat pocket, fishing for the box of matches.

Once she gets them, she takes them out and fiddles with the match box. Dragging her finger across the rough edges, she feels the pain all over again. She growls in distaste and takes the match out and quickly lights it.

"Drop it." A voice tells her, almost like her brother's voice. Tears well in her eyes. Pricking like fine needles as they threaten to present themselves. The flame licks her fingers and she gasps in pain, dropping the match.

Fire runs forward like a race, the entirety of the boarding house is taken up in flames. "Nothing I can do now," Evanora shrugs and walks over to the trees. She grabs the lawn chair she 'borrowed' from a store, and sets it up.

She had brought a bag of things she thought she would need as she watched the house turn into a crisp. And she is right. A pair of sunglasses, pack of cigarettes, and a bottle of alcohol.

It has never been lady-like for her to smoke, that is what she recalls from the years she has been apart of. She did it anyway. Even now, especially in her distraught state, she doesn't care. As she pulls the cigarette from the carton and places it in between her lips, she takes another match and lights the stick.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now