52 welcome to hell

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Eighteen years.

Kai Parker has been in hell for eighteen years. And he's died more times than he has fingers and toes. He's stuck in a prison where he is haunted by the day he killed his family. His coven.

Not that he actually gives a shit about them, they're all terrible people. They hated him, so he hated them back. But he got punished for his hatred. Can't win for losing if your name is Kai Parker.

But he did win in a way that his cruel father could never understand. He won in the way of seeing a blonde woman. Every time he died, no matter how gruesome, he saw a woman who never spoke.

She would just stare at him with kind eyes and a warm smile. She would be wearing clothes that differentiated from 1994 most of the time, then her clothes modernized quickly. He found comfort in the only person he was able to see, even if it meant he had to die regularly.

Don't worry, it got less traumatic with time. At least for him.

Kai didn't know if he was hallucinating with the blonde. She never spoke, never did anything to harm him, only just put her warm hands on his for comfort. He finally had enough of not knowing and sought out a way to see if she was even real.

Hence the best day of his life.

Well, possibly second best.

He met her in a dream, but this time she actually spoke to him. And tried to kill him, but that is not that point at all. He was elated to discover that he wasn't actually crazy, and maybe that she could be a way out of this prison.

Then a few months ago, the sky turned white. The Earth quaked, and ground rumbled underneath him. He laid aside his ingredients to summon Evanora Mikaelson, and went to investigate.

Over the span of eighteen years, he's become pretty well known with the world. He knows Japan like the back of his hand. And over the course of time, the prison world has never done this.

That's when he saw two strangers walking the streets of Mystic Falls. A woman with short brown black hair and dark skin walked beside a dark haired man with pale skin. The two talked as if they had hated each other for a while.

He noticed how the male often referred to a woman named Elena. Same name that has slipped out of his own Evanora's mouth a few times. The woman referred to a slew of people that he honestly cannot remember.

Possibly Clarisse? Maybe Stephan?

Months had passed by, of his knowledge it now being October of 2012. The two newcomers, he finally was able to put the pieces together during their monopoly game, identified as Damon, a vampire, and Bonnie, a witch who lost her magic.

A Bennett witch.

He watched from the windows as she tried to light candles with spell after spell. But now, he's finally had enough. He wants to get out of here, and Bonnie being in the same prison world is honestly a blessing.

But he knows that he's too fucked up to have a blessing, so maybe it was an accident.

He hasn't called Evanora to the prison world since the appearance of Bonnie and Damon. No, he's far too interested in watching them. He finds it amusing to toy with them. Placing things in other rooms, taking things, eating all their food. All the things to annoy the two bring him joy.

But, there is a time where the fun has to stop. And that's now. Now he just wants to get out of here.

Kai made a list over the years, a list of the steps he would take once he got out of the prison world. He never actually thought that he would be able to leave the hell hole of a place. But here he is, waiting to start off his day and show himself to the vampire and witch.

The list goes as follows:

Finish the merge

Kill the Gemini coven

Finish watching all the incomplete shows he's binged

Catch up on the latest things

Find Evanora (maybe)

He doesn't know where the blonde vampire would be in the next couple of months, let alone years.

He sighs and rubs his palms together. He gives Bonnie Bennett one last look before he exits the boarding house.

Yeah, he's gonna get out of here. One way or another.


Kai smiles with glee as he sees the frustration crack on Bonnie Bennett's face. She taps her pen wildly against the unsolved crossword puzzle before her. Damon Salvatore crinkles his eyes together to glare at the pen. He watches it snap up and down before loudly huffing to get the witch's attention.

"Hey, Trigger, stop that." He snaps and she simply huffs. Then grins once and taps it again, finding satisfaction in the way Damon squishes his face together. His ears turn hot as he fights back the urge to snap. The two have not been getting along during their time together in the prison world. 

Not that they even got along properly in the first place.

No, Bonnie Bennett hates Damon Salvatore. Damon Salvatore doesn't like Bonnie Bennett. Kai Parker finds them amusing. It's just something to cure his boredom. Years of not knowing what happened on tv shows? Oh yeah, this is just as good. Probably better, honestly.

"Old tongue twister, Eddie turned top 40..." She mutters and goes to tap the pen once again, but it is quickly snatched away from her. The vampire walks away with the pen in his hand, the witch huffs once more and lays her head down. Kai grins as he finally figures out the perfect way to bring their attention to his presence.

He'll fill in the crossword.

The siphoner really doesn't understand how the witch doesn't know that it is obviously Yellow Ledbetter. That one is so easy. He managed to figure that one out in seconds. But not everyone can be as smart as Kai Parker.

He grins and looks down at his watch on his left wrist. The time distinctly ticks to 8:52. Perfect. The tall witch moves with ease as he leaves his hiding spot and exits the Salvatore Boarding House without making a single sound. He's just that good, of course. He knew as soon as he saw them that he couldn't continue to live in that house. So he decided to move to the house he normally conjures Evanora Mikaelson to appear.

And that is exactly what he is just about to do.

It has been a few months since he last saw the beautiful Original. He's been too busy trying to formulate a plan of escape to even have time to flirt with the vampire who surely hates his guts. He'd like to rearrange hers though.

Sexually and murder wise.

He can't really figure out if it would bring him more satisfaction of killing her or fucking her. He has only had sex once in his life before he was thrust into the prison world by his family. Thank you, Joshua. But he does know that kissing Evanora was amazing.

And he wants to do that again for sure.


Hey y'all. Sorry I like kinda died. I lost motivation for writing for a while but I'm back! Hopefully y'all still want to read this (lmfao if you don't it's okay). Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter even if it's kinda short!

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now