30 dreams unwind, love's a state of mind

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He places a bowl and ingredients onto the wooden floor. The glass is pressed firmly against the palms of his hands as he leans forward in nervousness.

Why is he so damn nervous?

There's only two ways this spell could possibly go: failure or success. Being able to finally have a conversation with his mystery woman, or continue to be alone in this horrible world.

He has spent the past two weeks pouring over grimoires, to the point of nauseating headaches. Absorbing every bit of magic from mystical objects he could get his hands on. Magic is possible, vampires are possible, isn't it possible for him to reach out to the woman who haunts him? Find out if she is even real?

Begrudgingly, he has somewhat accepted the fact that she might not exist. That the blonde woman is someone he has created out of solitude. Nearly 20 years alone, without any sight of life, has driven him damn near mad.

As if he wasn't psychotic enough.

Kai mutters the spell with closed eyes. The air begins to cool and swirl around him in soft motions. A faint chill rolls across him, making his hair stand up. He never stops chanting even as sweat trickles down his face, flattening his dark hair to his forehead.

His hands tremble slightly and he begins to worry as he finishes the spell. Slowly, he opens his eyes and sees everything is exactly the same. Nothing is out of place, no new sounds, nothing.

He drops his head in his hands and feels a heavy wave of disappointment hit him.

"I'm a failure."

"Where in God's name am I?"

Kai whirls around so fast his neck hurts. The siphoner could care less as he sees the woman of his dreams standing before him.

She's here.

She's actually here.

Here with him.

But she looks slightly different than when he sees her normally. This time her hair is light brown and slightly longer. Her eyes have lost their shine, her skin is pale, and she wears a confused look.

He drinks in her appearance, not minding at all that she stands before him in satin black pajamas.

All he cares about is that she is real.

"Who are you? And where the bloody hell am I?" She demands and stomps her foot slightly.

Evanora stands on edge in front of the man. One minute, she was drifting off to sleep, then she is here in a room with this stranger. She notices how exhausted he looks. Dark circles rim his dark blue eyes, his black brown hair is pointed in different directions, and his lips are cracked beyond belief.

He is handsome, but God, he looks tired.

"I- um," He stammers, shifting his feet and rubbing his fingers together in embarrassment. "I'm Kai, and uh, this is my house?"

"Alright, Kai, why am I at your house?"

He shivers at how she says his name. She could say his name a million times over and over and he wouldn't get tired of it. Her accent makes it so much better.

"It's a long story. Basically I've been seeing you in my head for years, so I kind of summoned you here." He waits for her reaction. He fumbles and sticks his hands in his jean pockets.

Kai watches the way she continues to study him with child-like curiosity. She tilts her head to the side and slightly smiles. "So you're a witch?"

"Siphoner," He corrects and bites his lip.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now