06 driver's ed

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The engine roars to life as both twins sit in amazement. Sure, they had cars in 1914, but nothing like this. Kol had compelled a brand new car for the two of them. It is a practice car because they both know they will most likely crash it.

They never drove a car before in their lifetime, not even before they were daggered. Both preferred to walk everywhere in New Orleans. Times have changed though.

Kol sits in the driver's seat with his hands wrapped firmly on the wheel. Evanora sits in the passenger's seat holding the instruction manual she found. "The gas pedal is located on the far right, the brake is right next to it on the left." The male twin presses on the gas firmly and the car revs loudly, causing both of them to jump in fright.

"Why isn't it moving?" He wails loudly. Both of them have been attempting to drive the car for the past hour. They sit in an abandoned parking lot they told the dealership to drop the car off at. "I don't know!" Her voice is tight and her face is flushed a bright crimson.

She flips back and forth through the pages. Relief washes over her as she finds what she needs.

"There is a lever you need to use to put the car in gear. It is located right..." She leans over from her seat to find what she needs. Kol watches intently, desperate to learn. "Here," She finally points and he grins. "This isn't so bad."

He pulls the lever and groans when it doesn't move. "You have to pull it towards you and then down." Her voice is soft, while her face holds a calm demeanor. It is the opposite for Kol. His face is contorted with worry and his hands shake slightly as he does what she instructed.

He pulls it into reverse instead of drive and slams on the gas. The two twins both let out a screech as they zoom through the parking lot with great speed. "Hit the brakes! The brakes!" Evanora wails and hits the dashboard as Kol slams on the pedal.

The sister rubs her head softly and flips through the manual once more. The male twin has his eyes wide as his nails are tightly engraved in the steering wheel. "Those letters down there are for different modes the car can go in. D is for drive, R is for reverse, P means park, N means neutral. I think we were in reverse." Kol grumbles and pulls the lever in the correct designated spot.

However, he slams on the gas pedal once more.

If someone was to pass by and see the two siblings, they would assume the two are absolutely crazy. He turns the wheel in the wrong directions while they both scream. He hits the brakes once more and Evanora hits her head again.

They sit in silence, attempting to recover from their failed attempt of driving. "You drive, I read the manual." He speaks softly and she nods. They both get out and switch seats. Kol shuts the passenger seat and grabs the manual eagerly. He didn't want to be the first to drive, but he was beaten to the side of the car he wanted by his twin.

Evanora shuts her door and lets out a shaky breath. There are not a lot of things that make the twins this frightened, but this is one of the few things. She wraps her hands on the wheel and waits for her brother's instruction.

She watches as he places the manual in his lap and turns to his side and grabs the seatbelt. He wraps it across his body and waits for the lock to click. She furrows her brows and turns to her side to see if she has one as well. Sure enough, she does. She mimics her brother's movements and places the seatbelt across her body.

"Well, we are already doing something right." He teases and she rolls her eyes. He begins to read the manual once more while she taps her fingers lightly on the wheel. "You are supposed to press lightly on the break and then proceed to press harder." She looks at him with wide hazel eyes.

She pulls the lever and puts the car into drive. Kol grips the seat tightly as Evanora begins to press on the pedal. The car moves slowly and the girl feels great joy overcome her. She builds up speed and turns the wheel and circles the car around. "I think I got this!" She squeals and continues to drive around the parking lot. Her twin sets his paranoia aside and lets go of the seat.

He laughs as the girl grins and cuts another turn. Except this time, the turn is too sharp and the car turns over on its side. Kol's side of the car is straight up in the air, while Evanora's is placed on the concrete. She groans as she feels her shoulder out of place. Her twin holds onto the door and huffs. "Okay, no sharp turns."

Both twins manage to get out through the passenger door after they unbuckle their seat belts. Once she touches the ground she pops her shoulder back into place. The two of them turn the car back onto the concrete.

They spend the next two hours perfecting their driving skills. Evanora is better at it than Kol, but she wouldn't say it in front of him. They walk back to the dealership and compel another car, due to the condition the previous one is in.

After their driving lessons, the car is dented in and scraped up.

This time Evanora picks out the car. While Kol picked a black small car last time, she picks a shiny red car for this trip. Both twins get in the car after being given the keys.

It is somewhat different from the other, but not enough to worry her. "Denver is over a day drive," Kol says as they pull out of the dealership. "Well, it is good I recently learned how to drive. Isn't it?" Her voice is sarcastic and he taunts her by mimicking her sentences.

She speeds down the roads and listens to Kol who reads a map to her. "I figure we can get phones once we reach Denver. Perhaps it will not be as difficult as learning to drive?" Her voice is hopeful as her eyes are fixed on the traffic ahead.

He watches the cars pass by through the clear window in amazement. His brown eyes find a car with a child in it. The little boy stares at him as both cars drive beside each other at the same pace. He lets his vampire face show and watches with glee as the child screams.

Evanora looks over once she doesn't hear a reply from her twin. She sees the screaming kid and knows exactly what he is doing. "Stop that," Her hand pushes him slightly while he laughs.

Kol reaches towards the back of the car into a bag. "Our dearest brother, Nik, set us up our own phones. He programmed their numbers into them so we don't have to worry." He hands her a pink phone with a giggle. She huffs and eyes his blue phone. "Speak of the devil! Ah... how do I answer this bloody thing?"

He struggles for a second and finally figures it out. "Hello?"

"Which one of you killed Matt Donovan?" Evanora snickers and continues to drive. "It wasn't us! Our hands are clean, physically speaking." He hears the hybrid chuckle. "Signs show it is a human murder, but obviously I know better. Hello, Evanora." The girl laughs as well as her brother.

"I'm not angry due to the fact I found him rather annoying. But, Rebekah is upset." Kol tsks and informs their brother to relay the message of, 'get over it', to their sister. The phone call soon ends between brothers and the twins snicker at each other.

Both of them continue their journey with smiles on their faces and hearts full of joy. Kol continues to scare children, while Evanora attempts to stop him. The two twins know it will not be long before the happiness they temporarily hold leaves once more.

It always happens.


Yes, it's not Friday. But I was having a good day and decided to post this early. This is just a filler with more Eva and Kol content. I want to show how Eva is with her twin compared to the other Mikaelsons. Besides I need them to be happy before the uh... accident Anywho, we will be back to the episode stuff soon!

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