15 returns and goodbyes

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Evanora sighs and flips over the piece of paper Rebekah gave to her. "Graduation?"

"Please Eva, will you attend?" The younger sibling begs the older. They stand together in the Mikaelson mansion living room. The house is in pristine condition as always, completely different from the twin.

She has drank blood since her slaughter of Elena, but still looks horrible. Rebekah crinkles her nose at the smell of her sister but shakes her head. "If you do, I want you to look your best. And preferably smell your best."

The younger Mikaelson leaves her alone to her thoughts. Klaus has left Mystic Falls, Elijah hasn't contacted her since she and Kol left for Denver. All she has with her is Rebekah.

"Bloody hell," She grumbles and runs a hand down her face. "Might as well." She pushes past the couches and stumbles to the staircase with a bottle of vodka in her hands.

Evanora spends the next two hours trying to get her life back together. Meaning standing in front of the mirror and attempting to brush through the tangled mess she calls hair. When she looks in the mirror, she doesn't see herself. Only the shell of the once greatly known Evanora Mikaelson.

Part of the Original family, one who single handedly took down kings who swore that God couldn't touch them, the girl who was an Original Twin.

She drops the hair brush and groans. She needs something to get her mind off this sadness and feeling unworthy of happiness. Then she remembers what Rebekah had told her about the internet.

"It's a magical place where you can look up all sorts of things."

"Maybe it can give me ideas on what to do..." The vampire ponders and clicks her tongue in determination. She grabs the hairbrush from the marble countertop and marches out of her bathroom and back to her bedroom.

Kol had brought her a laptop when they had returned back to Mystic Falls. He said that it was 'a remarkable device' and she should have one as well. The two set it up together and he taught her how to use it.

She drags her forefinger against the mouse pad to click on google. The girl bites the inside of her mouth as she sits on the mountain of dirty sheets and comforters.

"How to process pain..."

Engage in self care: this could be as simple as getting a haircut or dyeing it, writing your feelings and burning them, taking a warm bath, reading a book, etc.

Evanora tilts her head in confusion and then picks at a strand of her tangled hair. "What is hair dye?"


"Did you dye your hair?" Rebekah asks in bewilderment and leans over to touch Evanora's hair. The once blonde locks are now a soft brown with few blonde highlights.

The older sister had managed to brush her hair and take a long shower before she showed up at the hairdresser's doorstep. They spent two hours working on her hair before the power went out in Mystic Falls.

"Do you like it?" She asks timidly and rocks back and forth on her heels. They both met together at the Grill and sit across from each other in booths. While Rebekah's blonde hair is pulled into a side braid, Evanora's is laying in wide bouncy curls.

The brunette wears a simple sage green v-neck top, tight fitted blue jeans, and a black leather jacket. The blonde wears a red low cut shirt, black pants, and a similar leather jacket.

"It suits you, Eva. Will you dye it back though?" Rebekah asks and rubs her fingers together. She is not used to her older sister not having blonde hair. Evanora hums and leans back against the booth. "I am not sure, but most likely yes."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now